Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Relationships + Advice

Relationships are hard. It doesn't matter if you are close or you both live far away from each other they both need constant love from both parties that are involved. Right now a lot of relationships will be like this as this is the only way that you can both see each other. I have thought a lot about what I am going to post in this blog and if I am honest I could write about relationships for as long as this lockdown goes on but I think it will bore a lot of you reading so I am not going to. If you both love each other a lot then you should be able to work through everything and anything but recently relationships have become a lot harder with social media because you might not know everything about this person and then you might find it out online which will hurt because you should be able to trust each other with everything and if you find something out that they haven't told you it will break you trust me I know. 
Arguments happen in every relationship whether it is friendship or a proper relationship between someone you love and yourself. The most important thing to remember when you are arguing is to admit when you are wrong or in the wrong and make sure you apologize for it when you realize that you are in the wrong. Sometimes, you might find yourself arguing a lot with your significant other but it doesn't matter because at the end of the day you both love each other very much so you will be able to make it work no matter what. 

Trust is also the biggest part of a relationship if you don't trust each other then there is no point in carrying it on further. You can try and talk to each other about it but it probably won't help because once the trust is gone there really isn't much point in trying. It is so hard to trust your partner nowadays because you just never know what they are doing especially with there phones. If you trust your partner then you should be able to get through anything together. 


I am not great at giving advice but I am going to try anyway and maybe it might help some of you. The best piece of advice I was given was being able to admit when I am wrong. This has helped me so much and stop so many arguments just by saying I am wrong I'm sorry. Make sure that you listen to each other as well because listening is so important not only listening but talking about things calmly even if that means you spend a few days away from each other just to calm down it will be worth because then when you come back you won't be mad at them and you will be able to talk to each other properly. If you have got any personal problems don't be afraid to ask me I will try and help you the best I can. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it helps you somehow...

Sleeping During The Lockdown

I am starting to think that this lockdown is turning me nocturnal, all I do is sleep all day and then just stay awake till ridicules hours in the morning. I would love to be able to get up in the morning but I have got no reason to wake up as I do not have to go to work and the only thing that I am doing to fill my time is writing blog posts and growing a social media following. 

I do not expect people to be awake when I post but I would love for it when you wake up you start your day off by looking at the updates that I have made to the blog page whilst you have been asleep. It will give you something to read in the morning and it might just make you laugh with the ridiculous times that I post. I have got a lot of interesting topics to cover over the next few days so stay tuned for them. I can not believe how much my page has grown over the past few days and I am so thankful for the following that I have got so far. 

Sleeping all day is not a bad thing maybe it will help me grow which would be good and I have not had the chance to sleep in the past few months with the amount of work I have been doing so it is good to catch up on a lot of missed hours of sleep. Plus, sleeping is so peaceful in a time like this it gives me the opportunity to just switch off and not think about things and everything that is going on in the world. I think that this lockdown gives us a chance to realize how sleep is so important to us as healthy humans and that when this lockdown is over we still get a lot of sleep if we can. 


This has got to be the most important thing to be doing right now whilst we are all stuck at home. You have got to make sure that you are getting enough exercise daily. For example, I went on a bike ride and then I did some bicep curls and then some press-ups followed by a little bit of ab routine to make sure that I keep the six-pack and try to get in better shape throughout this lockdown. 

Yes, I know not all of us will want to go outside for a walk right now because you do not know the people that you will meet there if they have got the virus or not but there are other alternatives. No, we can not go to the gym but that doesn't stop you from lifting some weights you could try lifting up your bed or just put a load of books into a bag and create your own weights at home. Just because you can not do a push up right now why not try it every day. 

This is going to be my goal whilst I am in lockdown I am going to try and get a large online gathering and then I am going to make sure that I work out at least once a day even if it is just some push-ups before I go to bed it is still something to keep me going. Please make sure that you guys are getting enough exercise daily to make this lockdown lifestyle more interesting. 

Monday, 30 March 2020

1 Week In Lockdown

What a great day I have had today I managed to go outside and went on a bike ride it was really fun I really enjoyed being out of the house for a while. It was actually the first time out of the house in a long time.

 I took these pictures myself and yes I know that my bike does need a clean it is the first time that I have taken it out in a long time. It was very nice to leave the house for a change instead of staring at the same 4 walls all the time.  The thing that surprised me the most was the number of people that I saw whilst I was out on my ride. I would have thought that a lot of people would just be staying inside but I guess people wanted to get some exercise in. Compared to the last time that I went out there where definitely a lot more people out due to this lockdown so maybe it is a good idea as, even though it shouldn't, it is getting a lot more people out of their houses to get some fresh air.

Apart from going on a bike ride, I called in on my grandparents as well but before you freak out I stayed at least 2 meters away from them I just wanted to check in on them to see if I could get anything from the shop for them. They were okay because my brother is staying with them whilst I am staying with my mum.

I also went shopping with my mum well I say I went shopping I stayed in the car whilst she went shopping so that it could allow an extra person to be inside the supermarket who might be getting supplies for a larger family. It was really nice to get back outside for once but I do have some bad news. I wanted to go out in my car but because it has been stood for so long without being moved, the battery on it has died so next time I want to use it I am going to have to get a jump from another car or something.

I know this is a much longer post than usual but in all fairness, it has been a week in lockdown so I thought a big update was due. I hope that we will only have to go another 2 weeks of this before we are allowed back out.

How was your first week in lockdown did you do anything different today, let me know in the comments below. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and if you got this far you have won a surprise a free get well message. If you are suffering I hope you get well soon and that we all fight this together.


The media has been going on for a very long time but over time it has become less and less secure with all of the fake news unreliable news sources and just being filled with lots of garbage to cover up the truth. The mainstream media can easily be bought and 90% of the time is told exactly what to post by the government. There have been lots of times where the media outlets have been proven wrong by using facts over the rubbish that they are posting so I am telling you not to believe everything that you read online as most of it is just lies on lies.

I wish that these sorts of media outlets would post a lot more positive things that happen instead of focusing on all of the bad things that are happening and give the viewers or the readers something good to focus on instead of it being all doom and gloom. The media just produce a blanket of lies to cover up everything and to add fear into our lives so that we are well-behaved citizens. Do not believe everything that you see as most of it just covering up something much bigger, just like this outbreak of coronavirus is a cover-up of something bigger I am sure of it. 

I only believe something that is proven by a fact and something that has got some sort of statistics to back it up and it comes from a very reliable source with lots of other sources backing it up.

What do you believe?

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Day 6 of the lockdown

I am only going to make this a quick post or update because I have not really done much today just you know the usual like everyone else is doing. All I've done today is stay inside watching Netflix saving lives just the casual thing you do right now.

Tomorrow I think I might adventure outside to try and get some shopping and take my mum to the bank so she can put some money in to pay our rent. Hopefully I do not get stopped by the police, fingers crossed. I will let you all know how that goes on and if I make it back alive :)

Music To Heal

Whilst this lockdown is going on I have been listening to a lot of different music from all sorts of genres just vibing out and relaxing because there really isn't much else to be doing right now. I had a massive playlist going on just playing the classic songs and it got me thinking, I wonder what everyone else is listening to right now.

My favorite song right now has got to be sweet dreams it is a classic song and it just gives me good vibes. I mean you can not go wrong with a classic 80's song. There have been studies that prove that music is good for you and it gives you a positive vibe, this is all based on your personal preference though. It might range from heavy metal to classical it is entirely up to you, it might be the only thing that you can control in your life right now but that doesn't matter because you still get to control it and each song that you play will give you a different feeling and it will remind you of a better time when we all had our freedom.

It doesn't matter about everything else that is going on in your life right now as long as you have got a good song to listen to that's all that matters. It can take your mind away from everything else that is going on and let you just focus and get some work done. That is what music does for me it allows me to get my work done without any other distractions from happening.

What do you guys think does music help in someway if so please let me know in the comments and I will be sure to read them all.

The First Thing I Am Going To Do When This Is Over

The first thing that I am going to when all of this is over is to go and get in my car and drive straight to my loved one's house and go and give her a huge hug and lots and lots of kisses.
 Then I am going to spend the rest of the day with her and just her showing her how much I have missed her. After I have seen her I am going to see all of the family members that I wasn't able to see during the Lockdown. Once, I have done all of that with the greetings and the hellos I am going to go to the supermarket just to go and see what it was like to have full shelves again. It is the little things like that which I miss. The ability to just go out and have some freedom. Those are all the things that I miss. Let me know in the comments what you have missed and what the first thing you are going to when the lockdown is over.

Long Distance Love

Lots of people say that long-distance love will never work and you are stupid for trying but what about all those people who just started a relationship before all of this lockdown started. They are finding a way to make it work.

I don't care what you say long-distance relationships are hard but they can work out if you both love each other. I know that is something that a young person would say but even if you are older it still applies to you. If you both truly love each other then you can get through the distance issue and you can eventually become so close you wouldn't think of a world where you do not know each other.

There are lots of things that can go wrong in a relationship that's why people do not like them but if you risk everything for one person and they return it by risking everything with you then it makes it all worthwhile. That feeling when you see each other for the first time after not seeing each other for a long time just hits like something else. It is like you where both meant to be together at that everything else does not matter and the only thing that does matter right then at that moment is the two of you being in peace together.

There are not many things that you can follow to make sure you both survive the long distant love just as long as you both speak to each other and call each other for as long as possible that's all that matters. Just communicate with each other show them that you care for them and that you make your feelings for that person perfectly clear.

I hope anyone who is in a long-distance relationship right now because of the virus is coping with it well and you both make it out of this together and stronger than you were when you went into it. I know it is going to be hard but stick with it because the outcome at the end will make all of it worth it.

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Will Life Ever Go Back To Normal

I really hope that life will be able to return to some form of normality after the coronavirus has finished but really what will normal life be like now. Will we all be washing our hands more often. Will we all become more distant with each other. Will we forget how to interact with other humans face to face. What will this do to jobs, will there be more jobs or fewer jobs since we can all still work at home now. Will this affect our health if we all do work from home. What will this do for musicians will they just continue to live stream at home or will they go back to gigging.
That is a really powerful quote I hope that we will all be able to survive this epidemic but what is life right now. I guess that is one of the questions of the universe that we will not able to understand for a long time. We are all surviving but what does it mean to really be living and what exactly is life. I would say that all of the NHS workers have got good lives because they have some meaning to their lives they are helping people and making sure that the people that go and see them get to carry on living their lives as best as they can. 

I want to do something meaningful in my life I want to post something that really changes someone's life for the better. Even if it is just one sentence in 1000 blog post I want it to mean something to someone, I want it to affect someone so it makes them get up out of bed or just changes their lives in such a way that they are completely different.

Thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts. Do you think life will go back to normal after this epidemic is over and what really is life to you ?

Day 5 Of The Lockdown

Well, there it is another day gone, just waiting for this whole thing to be over now so my life can return to somewhat of normality.
Today, my mum has been in all-day instead of going to work and I think she has just come to terms with how hard it is to stay inside all day. It was very nice to see her though and it was good to talk to her about random stuff again. She has been at work whilst all this is happening so today has been the only day where I actually got to see her and talk to her about everything.

For the rest of this I day I am going to make another blog post and focus on trying to get some more people to follow me and to look at the blog. I want to get a lot of following online for the content that I post so please share the page and help me grow. It is the only thing that is keeping me going through this lockdown. Please stay tuned for a lot of cool content to come :)

The Worst Part Of Lockdown

The worst part about being in this lockdown is that I miss the human connection. I miss being able to get hugs, they always made me feel so special. It has got to be the hardest part about being on lockdown. Yes I can facetime a person yes I can call them but the human interaction of cuddles or hugs that's what I miss. 
It is safe to say that this year has not been the best so far but hopefully, things are starting to look up. Once, all of this epidemic is over then I hope that everything starts to fall back in place. I have been messaging someone who I love and I have been calling them nearly every day and I miss them so much. I can not wait for all of this to be over so that I get to see them again. I miss the hugs that they give me. It is safe to say that this year started off rubbish we nearly had world war 3 and then everyone had to stay inside because of this epidemic that is going on which is putting a halt on the rest of our lives. I will be making a blog post about how I ma dealing with the distance of everything but that will be coming soon. 

The worst part of lockdown, not having someone to cuddle. 

Keep Your Mind And Body Healthy

It is important that whilst we all have got to stay inside to save lives that we are keeping our minds active and our bodies healthy as well. Even though, we have got to social distant our selves we can all stay connected through the use of social media and just because you can not check up on someone in real life you can always phone them and send them a quick message to them to make sure they are well during this epidemic. It will go a long way for some people.

If you are struggling during this epidemic don't be afraid to reach out just because people are not knocking at your door does not mean that they are not there for you. Please if you feel like you have no one to talk to then please message me. Sometimes a total stranger can help you through something that your friends or family might not be able to. There are lots of people that you can talk to and if you are reading this make sure you check up on your quiet friend as well. They might not message you first but please be sure to check in on them because they might be struggling the most.

Remember that not everyone can see what is going on inside your head so please let people know. We can not read minds but we can help you with whatever it is you are struggling with. If you have got a mental health problem then just know that you are not a burden to us we would much rather hear your story and help you than read about it in the newspaper when it's too late.

If anyone needs anything I am here to help everyone.

Friday, 27 March 2020

Day 4 Of The Lockdown

Wow, what a day. Not only have I managed to get some work done I have also managed to grow my page as well. I want to take this first opening paragraph to thank everyone that has liked my Facebook page and thank you to everyone that has followed me on twitter.
Day 4: Fifteen Minutes of Anonymity | Note to Self | WNYC Studios
Now I have spent the day "Grafting" as the young people say or what I like to call work I think it is time to relax. I might watch a film or maybe speak to a friend on the phone just do something to relax before I have a nap. Make sure you keep following the blog page to see my latest updates and don't be afraid to leave a comment to suggest some idea's to me and you might see them in a future blog post.
Stay safe and have fun always.

Free Giveaway

I will be doing a giveaway for anyone who likes my Facebook page. To enter all you have got to do is like my page and refer 5 friends to do so as well. The prize is 1 free blog post about a topic of your choice. I will make sure it is a long post and it will be in-depth and informative. Enter now!


Winners will be personally messaged when the page gets to 50 like :)
Do not miss out on this opportunity

Privacy And Hacking

Most people who use the internet will know some basic information on tier privacy online and how to avoid getting hacked or what to do if you get hacked. Not a lot of people really tell you what hacking is.

What is Hacking?

Hacking is where someone steals your personal information without your consent. It is having your account details leaked and posted somewhere. It is losing your account as you do not have a secure password. It is someone testing a system to gain access to this system without the user knowing. There are lots of versions of hacking that you might see online and these include someone stealing your bank account details and transferring money from your account to their account. Hackers have accessed over 7.9 billion consumer records so far this year, with experts predicting that over 8.5 billion accounts will be exposed by the end of the year. The majority of the over 5,000 data hacks this year Risk Based Security has tracked so far consisted of only a few million accounts.

Good And Bad Hacks

You might read up on some good hackers these are called whitehat hackers they are paid to test the security of a system to see if they can gain access to this system and how secure a webpage is and then send these notes to the user of the website or system so that the user can improve their security to make sure that the bad hackers ( Blackhat) can not access them. Now onto the bad hackers. These are people who want to steal your data and use it with malicious intent. This means that they might want to exploit you for you to pay money to get your data back or they might just want to kick you out of the account just to do it out of spite.

How to prevent it

There are not many ways that you can actually stop hackers from getting your data because if they really want to get your data they will find a way around it. There are some ways you can use to help slow them down and that is having a secure password that contains special characters, lower characters, upper-case characters, and numbers. If you make this password long enough then they might not be able to access your account and you should be using a different password for each site that you use. You can also make sure that your internet security is up to date and use anti-virus and a firewall to prevent access to your system. Don't click on any links that might look suspicious and make sure at the start of the link there is an HTTPS:// as this means that the link is secure.

Thank you for taking the time to read this little article on hacking and I hope you stay safe online and offline during the epidemic. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog page at the top and make sure that you are following all of the socials on the contact me page. Thank you.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Day 3 of Lockdown

So it is day 3 of the lockdown and today has been a good day. I got some brilliant news and overall had a very good and productive day.
I have spent most of the day just relaxing and watching a TV-series but then it came around to 8 o'clock and I heard everyone clapping for the NHS. I am so proud of everyone that took part in this and I am sure it made everyone very happy. My thoughts are that if we had voted in a different way all those months ago would we have to have clapped for them today. Where was this support for the NHS all those months ago? I am not going to get too much involved in politics because there are far too many people that do not know the facts and politics can easily be manipulated so that people think is a specific way. But, apart from that let me get back to my day.

As well as getting the good news today I am nearly at 100 followers on my twitter page for the blog and I am almost at 20 likes on the Facebook page as well which is a huge achievement for and I want to take this time to thank everyone that has followed me and liked the page. It means the world to me. Thank you

Good News

Well after a long time I have finally got some good news through this time of what seems to be nothing but bad news I finally have something positive
to focus on.
I have just received a phone call asking if I would like a job tomorrow night managing the comments section for a live video for one of my musician friends. They know I am good at technology and it is also paid work. This is finally something positive that I can focus on. It is only a small job but after weeks of no work because of this virus going around, I have something positive to focus on and a means of getting paid. 

Let me know something positive that has happened to you in these past few days lets spread some positivity around instead of it all being serious and bad let's have a laugh together. 

Looking for Ideas for the blog

If you have got any idea about what I should post about then please let me know I am willing to post about anything and everything. Leave a comment on what I should be posting about and I will be sure to cover this topic. It really can be everything from a story about my past to how the coronavirus started. Please let me know what I should post if I come up with any ideas in the meantime I will be sure to post more.

Global Warming- Do Humans Have An Impact Or Is It Natural

Some would say that global warming is caused by just humans and their activity by just polluting the world but I am not sure if part of this is natural and not man-ade. Now I am not saying that humans have had no effect on the environment at all we clearly have with all the litter in our oceans but what I am saying is I wonder if global warming can not be stopped. Image result for Ice age
If you think about it there was a massive ice cap that covered most of the world around 2.6 million years ago and there was nothing that we could do to stop that. Scientists point out that sea levels have risen and fallen substantially over Earth's 4.6-billion-year history. But the recent rate of global sea-level rise has departed from the average rate of the past two to three thousand years and is rising more rapidly—about one-tenth of an inch a year. A continuation or acceleration of that trend has the potential to cause striking changes in the world's coastlines. This is because all of the pollutants that us humans have caused over the years we have literally trapped sun rays in our atmosphere which is causing the earth to warm up.  With everyone having to stay inside because of the virus that is going around I wonder if this will have an impact on the current pollution that is happening in the world. I mean 3 weeks without humans can not do the earth any harm and potentially heal the earth from previous damage that we have done. 

Let me know your thoughts is it just humans to blame for global warming or is it the earth its self and we can not stop it.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Day 2 of Lockdown

Today has not been the most successful day that I have had but I still made it through the day never the less. All I have done today is to try and grow my social media platforms as much as possible and I have had the most successful tweet ever and my Facebook page has grown with the amount of like I have got as well, which really made me feel good.
However, my sleep schedule is so broken I did not go to sleep until 7AM this morning so it is like I have lost most of the day already. I would like to try and get my sleep schedule back to normal but I don't think that is going to happen because I do not have to get up for work anymore.

I hope that all of you that are in lockdown have had a good day today and that you have all managed to get something accomplished.

Apples Safari's Latest Privacy Update

Apple has announced that it is working on anti-tracking software for its browser safari. This means that any 3rd-party cookies will not be able to track your information. This is such a huge privacy update for you as a user because it means that big corporate companies will not be able to steal and possibly sell your online data.
This is a huge step forward in privacy online and actually puts apple's safari browser currently 2 full years ahead of chrome and other browsers. Let's not talk about internet explorer it's probably only just wishing everyone a happy new year ;P. Apple is the first company to fully block any 3rd party sites from stealing your cookie information online. So you can say what you will about Apple and its bugs but in terms of being secure, its browser has got 2 full years on everyone else. Well done apple.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Toilet Paper- Over or Under?

I think it is time to spark this age-old discussion about whether toilet paper should be facing over towards you or under facing the wall.
Image result for toilet paper under or over

Personally, I feel like it should go over so that it is easier to reach and tear a piece off plus I think it looks more professional. If you look in most bathrooms you will see that the toilet paper is over but do you agree with this. I know some people find it difficult to use it one way compared with the other way. I know this discussion has happened a few time on the internet but was it ever settled and if it was which way does it go.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below...

New Facebook Page

You might have seen that I have made a change to the contact me page of the blogs for a Facebook page and I finally say it has arrived so please go and follow it https://www.facebook.com/icefrostblogs/ your generosity will go a long way.
Image result for Facebook logo
Please share the page with a few friends and follow it for the latest updates on all blog posts that I put out. Thank you all for your support so far I can not believe how much this page has grown over the past few days.

Day 1 of Quarantine

Good morning, I want to start out by saying I hope that you all have a good day today and manage to get a lot accomplished.

What have I done today so far?

Well, today I have upgraded my current operating system from windows 8.1 to the newish Windows 10 and I have cleaned up some space on my different drives by deleting some unnecessary files that I did not use anymore. I am also going to spend the day trying to up my social media following on all of the different sites and look it to trying to set up a Facebook page for everyone to go and like. I am also spending the day making sure that I stay connected to important people in my life as well by messaging them as much as possible. I am glad that I have managed to upgrade my PC as I have been putting it off for a while now but I thought I best do it whilst I have got some time to kill.

I hope that you are having a nice day and that you all manage to accomplish a small task today so you can get it ticked off your to-do list. So far the first day of quarantine is going good even though it is still early. Stay tuned for more posts to follow :)

Monday, 23 March 2020

Lockdown for the UK 2020

The time has come we have just got the official statement from Boris Johnson that the UK has announced a state of NATIONAL EMERGENCY and that the UK is now on lockdown. But, what does this mean?

This means that all social gatherings have been stopped apart from funerals and that you can only leave your house to get essential items from the shops that are open. All shops that do not sell essential items are to be closed this means all technology shops are going to be closed.

Will this be Enforced?

The police have now got the power to enforce these rules. Anyone out in public with non-family members can only be in groups of 2. If you are out in public without a reason then you can face a fine and further action may be taken. All social events have been canceled and you are only to leave the house for Food shopping when necessary or for medical purposes. You can I think still go in and aid family members or people who are vulnerable if they require it and we should be using food delivery services as well to get the food delivered.

How long will this last?

Boris has stated that this will last for at least 3 weeks where he will check the statistics for the coronavirus and potentially lift these drastic measures he has put in place.

Maybe now people will realize that staying inside really means staying inside to save lots of people's lives.

Should The UK Go On Lockdown


The UK should definitely be put on lockdown to help stop the spread of the coronavirus and it will prevent lots od deaths. Please to everyone reading stay safe during and please stay inside to help prevent the spread of the virus. This is NOT the government grounding you it is telling you that if you want to save lives then stay inside. You might be infected and not even know it and then because you think it is safe you go outside and infect lots of other people and possibly kill people. Do not become a murderer and just stay inside and stay safe, please. If enough people do this we can stop the virus before it becomes serious and wait for the cure.

Top 10 things to do whilst in quarantine self isolation

Right now quarantine is very necessary for us to help us to stop the spread of this infectious disease so here 10 things you can do whilst you are in self-isolation...

10. Read Current New

Image result for current news
It is important that you stay up to date on other world affairs so you can see everything else that is happening in the world apart from the coronavirus. This is a way to keep your brain active as well as maybe the chance for you to learn something new to keep your mind off of the bad things that are happening around us.

9. Watch A New TV-Series

Image result for tv series
You have got to keep your self entertained somehow so why not binge-watch a new TV show. I would recommend The Good Doctor if you have not seen it before I have just started to watch this and I am finding it rather interesting. There are lots of things that you can watch online as well such as youtube and you could watch a few films. This will stimulate your brain as it is something new that you are doing and it is important that we keep stimulating our brains whilst we are stuck inside

8. Read A Book

Image result for read a book
It is important that we are keeping our brains active and we are still learning even though we are inside and what is a better way to do that than read a book. Now I know this is not for everyone but it will definitely kill some time so whilst we have got some time to kill it does not have to be a physical book as you might not have access to it but you can view books on kindles or other apps like that.

7. Using Social media

Image result for socialmediaYou can keep up to date on news and other events in the world that are happening through social media and you can spend endless hours going across different platforms. You can also play games on some social media sites as well which will definitely kill some time. Social media was made so that we can connect with lots of different people around the world so why not use this to connect to a long distant friend or send a message to a family member that might be struggling right now. Just a simple message can make someone's day. You could also use this to post some random selfies that you have taken throughout the day as well.

6. Cleaning

Image result for cleaningSince we have got to be inside all-day to stop the spread of this disease then why not take this opportunity to stop the spread of other things that might be already in your home. Take this free time to clean the house or even just a room that you have been putting off. Don't work too hard cleaning otherwise you will get distracted from what you are doing and feel like you have wasted a day. Make your house look comfier and make it more comfortable for you to sit in all day. 

5. Re-organize 

Image result for re-organizeIf you don't like the way your room looks now then why not take this opportunity to re-order your room. Make it a change of environment for you to be in instead of just staring at the exact same things over and over again. You might not what to change the way your room looks but you could re-organize something small like a draw or a desk make it easier for yourself to find things in the future.  

4. Being Creative

Image result for be creativeThe best way to kill some time is to do something creative, this will make you feel accomplished like you have done something today. It does not have to be good but it will just kill a few hours and maybe you will love the outcome of it. Try writing a song or maybe draw something and if you have got lots of memories then why not make a scrapbook of all these memories together. This will keep you off your phone, kill some hours, and most importantly have a bit of fun whilst you're doing it. 
Write a song

3. Baking

Image result for bakingWhy not kill some time by baking cakes or even baking some cookies for you to enjoy later. I know we might be limited on the ingredients that we can use so all I ask is that if you are going to bake make sure that you are not wasting ingredients that could be used on something important and do not make too much otherwise you will be wasting food and that is not a good idea with all the current affairs that are happening. Whatever you are baking weather its a cake or a bunch of cookies the most important thing to do is have fun whilst you're doing it otherwise it is just boring for you. 

2. Create a plan for the future

Image result for plan for the futureWe do not know if we will make it through this epidemic but it is important that we have hope through all of this so why not plan something for the future like what you are going to do tomorrow or a plan to start your own business. You could plan a trip for the future once all of this is over and go and see some new sites.

1. Exercise

Image result for exerciseI would say that the most important thing to do whilst you have got to save lives and stay inside is to exercise. This can be something small like a few push-ups or jumping jacks you have just got to stay active for your health and mental health whilst your are stuck inside and all of the gyms are closed. Just as important as it is to keep your body active it is important to keep your mind active which you will have just done by reading this.

If you have any other tips I would love to hear them below in comments. Thank you for reading. 

Positive Vibes and A Good Time

During these times of outbreak panic and fear, it is important that we try and stay positive through it all so that our mental health does not get affected. I am asking each one of my readers to comment something positive that has happened to them recently it can be something small that means a lot to you or something big that you have done for someone.
The media is filling everyone with fear as they should do so that people realize how serious this pandemic is but I want us for a moment to focus on something positive that has happened to you recently. For me, I have been feeling rather alone however with this outbreak and everyone socially distancing themselves from everyone makes me realize that I am not alone and everyone else is going through the exact same thing. We should all stand together through this virus to support each other with everything that we have got and let's not leave anyone behind. 

Please share your positive stories below in the comments. 

Speeding Teslas

I have just seen that apparently if you put electrical tape on a speed limit sign then you can trick the Teslas autopilot mode to read it as higher. I am not sure about the laws of changing speed limit sign to read something different but with some of the posts I have seen they only change it slightly ( still reading the same numbers ) but Teslas cameras read it as something completely different.
I hope that Tesla will fix this as soon as possible because this could really get out of hand especially if someone uses this with malicious intent. I hope everyone stays safe whilst on the roads I will not get into how many idiots are on the roads but it does not help that even technology is not on their side. 

Moved From Wordpress To Blogger

I have been using WordPress for a while now and I have got to say that I do prefer blogger because of all of the tools that are on bloggers that are free. WordPress charges users to get the tools that blogger offers for free, so if you are just starting out to blogging like me then I would highly recommend that you use blogger. It is a lot easier to use and you get to customise your page just as well as you do with WordPress.

I will let you know how I feel about using blogger in a future post but please be sure to keep checking this page from now on to get lots more updates. You can follow the page through email as well if you would like to and don't forget to follow the twitter page as well @icefrost16
I look forward to posting on here a lot more as well :)

Friday, 20 March 2020

Please Share

I would really like anyone who is reading this post to share the blog page with there friends and family if they have learned something new on about this page. It would mean so much to me and I would be forever grateful for it. A little help will go a long way trust me. It is much appreciated and for all of you guys reading this, I hope you all have a brilliant day and stay safe in these uncertain times.

Virtual Reality For Operations

I was just watching this program and they used virtual reality to see if they could fix a heart without having it to be in a real person. This is so interesting because it means that surgeons can practice operations without it having to on a real person. They had all of the tools that they needed to operate and they could even use their hands with all of there fingers, this is a lot further than we have currently got on any gaming platforms. The only thing that could come close to this would be the oculus rift that they are releasing where it tracks the user's hands through lots of cameras.

This is such an advancement because surgeons can see if their operation will go well without having to risk someone's life to get it to work. They can run through operations with no risk at all which will take the nerves off the surgeons which will help them to perform better in real life. I have never seen this done before so it has got to be something new that they have just come out with.

I will keep you posted as I learn a lot about new technologies and hopefully teach some of you reading something new to bring up in conversation.   

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Technology In Medicine

There is lots of new technology out there and there is some new technology starting to branch out into medicine. This means that you might be getting served by a tablet instead of a computer. This would help to stop the spread of a series pandemic as there would not be another human infected it would just be a tablet. This would also help the people that can not leave the house would be able to get help through this tablet instead of having to go to the hospital. 

In this post, I am not going to just talk about how tablets and smartphones could really help out the medicine industry I am going to talk about some of the new technological advancements have already been made. 

You might have seen on the news or on Facebook about this new cast that heals the bone without having a full cast. This is an advancement that has been helped through the use of technology as it was made by a 3D printer and molds around the limb that needs the cast. It is also waterproof as well which helps with general hygiene when you have got a cast on. 

3D printers are currently being used to develop new organs and bones as well which is so bug. Imagine getting a new organ from a printer or even a new bone as well from a printer. This is a huge step forward as you would not have to wait so many years for a transplant a new organ would be able to just be printed for you right there and then. This would save so many lives.

I could go on and on about this subject but I think I will leave it there for now. If you would like more information about this subject then please leave a comment and I will be sure to make a part 2 to this post. 

Have fun and stay safe out there, see you in the next post. 

The Good Doctor

This is not a post about technology but I feel like it is important.

I have just started to watch the TV show called The Good Doctor and so far it is very good. It is about a doctor with autism who has got to try and prove himself to the rest of his team. There is a lot of in-depth meaning behind this show and I would recommend that all of you give it a watch. I will be posting more technology stuff after this post but I just thought that I would let you all know about it. I originally saw short clips of this show on Facebook which made me want to watch it. There are lots of different paths that this show takes which makes it different from most of the usual hospital shows that are currently on the air.

I will let you all know my honest opinion about this show once I have finished watching it but I have only just started to watch this show so I can not really give a lot of a review about it. Be sure to keep watching my page so that you can see the new updates.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

BOOM! Another new Page

I have just made another new page this is about what you should look for when buying a new phone. Please be sure to check it out. I hope you find lots of useful information on this page and make sure you follow the blog so you get lots of updates about the blog and for any new pages that I make. I will be sure to post more blog posts instead of pages as I think that this is more important.

Growing A Facebook Page

Since my last Facebook page got taken down and I lost access to that account I am starting to grow another Facebook page in hopes that I will soon get lots more followers to the page. I am not going to rush it this time as I think that is what made my account get locked last time it is going to be slow and steady growth. I will let you know when I create a page so that you all can go and like it and get reminders for when I post.

Not As Many Post

I have not been posting as much as I would like to have today because I had to go out and pay some bills but that does not matter right now. I have also started watching a new series as well which I am sure that I am going to binge-watch over the next few days whilst my country is still in lockdown. I will be posting more technology sided stuff in the next few days as well but for now, I am just getting started. This post is more of a general update about things but please be sure to keep watching this page as it grows more and more each day.

Smartphone Page

I have just made a new page about the smartphone markets please be sure to check it out and leave a comment to see if there is anything that I missed and I will be sure to add it. I will be making a lot of pages so please be sure to keep watching for updates as I will be updating this feed as soon as I make a new change or a new page.

New Pages

I will be making some new pages on this blog that go into a lot of detail about the different markets and the rest of the blog will be about specific products and giving my honest reviews about them and if I think that they are a good product. Please be sure to leave a comment with an idea for a specific product so that you can see the product on a new post.


When I post on this and I talk about markets I mean the sort os markets that companies would use such as fruit and veg markets and not the stock markets. If I am going to talk about the stock markets and how something might affect the stock markets then I will specify it if not I will be talking about the before mentioned markets. Some of the markets I will be talking about on this blog is something like

Smartphone Markets
Tablet Markets
Desktop Markets
Laptop Markets

I will be posting on this a lot for the next couple of days so please be sure to watch how this page grows. Make sure to follow this page as well so you get to know as soon as I post.

New Style For Blogs

I am working on trying to set the blog onto a specific path so that I can make and reach my target audience. I am going to be making more posts that will be aimed more at technology and some more posts about either trying to make money online or some finical aid for some of you guys. Make sure you watch this space as it is definitely about to get interesting on this page.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Literally 0 Views

I have been checking the views for the blog and I have got literally 0 views. What do I have to do to get some page views I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I am trying to post more often and make lots of content for you guys to read but I am still not getting any views. Oh well, I will keep posting for a week and just hope that the views go up and if they don't I will probably just give up. I am trying so hard but it's just not happening.

Given Up With Facebook Page

I have given up with the Facebook page as it is not useful for me and it has blocked me out of the account. I will post on there if I get the account back but from reading somethings online it says that I am very unlikely to get the account back and it would be best to start a new one. I can not be bothered to start a new one so I am just going to leave it. I will let you know if I decide to make anything else but I do not think I can be bothered to.


I have got a youtube channel that I post lots of random videos on so please be sure to check it out. I do not know what I will be posting on this channel just whatever I feel like basically. Check it out in the link below


I will be posting more random blogs so be sure that you follow the page and keep checking on it so you get to see all of the most recent posts.

Waiting To Be Validated Through Facebook

Since I have been blocked on Facebook I have got to be validated. I am not sure if I am going to be accepted because I used my profile picture instead of a picture of me. I hope that I do get the account back so that I can get access to the page again because I had just started the page and I do not want to start another account to get another page up. I will keep you lot posted on to whether or not I get the page back.

I've Been Blocked On Facebook LOL

I was trying to add lots of people at once so that I could send them links to my page so that I would be able to promote the page in order to get more views and Facebook has flagged me as a robot. I guess they do not understand that I am trying to promote my page. So I will not be posting on the Facebook page for a while until I get access back but I will still be posting on the blog.

New Facebook Page

I have started a new Facebook page for everyone to go and follow if you are using a mobile or would like to get updates about when I post. you can also follow the page on the side of the blog but you could also just follow the page on Facebook. Check it out using the link below...

This will take you directly to the Facebook page so you can go and follow the page. 


I have been using this site for a while because it looked promising but now I have come to the conclusion that it is honestly just trash. The value of there cloud mining plans has just decreased in value so much that it is just not worth mining with it anymore. I will leave my ASIC machine linked up to it because it is still making me some money just not as much as I had hoped for. I am not sure what is happening to this site but it has really gone downhill throughout the time of me using it. There would be some good days where I would make a fair bit of money but then there are others where I would not make much money at all. I am going to watch some videos on how I can make more money online and I will let you know how it goes.

Parking Ticket

I was parked the other day and I got a parking ticket. If I had done something wrong then I wouldn't mind and I would pay the ticket and not take it any further. However, I did not do anything wrong. I parked my car and got a pay and display ticket for a space and then went to work. When I returned from work I had got a parking fine on my window and I know that I definitely paid for the pay and display ticket. I will be fighting this ticket so that I do not have to pay because I did not do anything wrong. I will make sure I let you know how it goes and to whether or not I get my money back.

Make Sure you Share This Page With A Friend

I have been looking at my stats to weather people are reading this blog or not and it looks like there is not a lot of people reading this blog. If you would like me to make a specific blog post about something that is going on in your life then make sure that you leave a comment so that I can get back to you as soon as possible for you. 

Make sure you share this page with a friend if you think that they would also be interested in these posts so that they can read them as I post them. I might be doing a give away soon so if you want to enter into it you will have to share this page with a friend or I might set it up so that you have got to click a link that will take you to a page or it will be a selected from a random comment on one of my posts.

Long Or Short Posts

Would you like a long blog post that goes into a lot of detail about a specific subject or would you like to see lots of short blog posts that cover lots of topics of conversation? I do not mind doing either one I want what is best for you the reader to read if that makes sense.

Fear In The Media

Since there is a lot of media coverage of the ongoing pandemic of the coronavirus outbreak there is a lot of speculation to whether or not it is as serious as the media is saying. A lot of people will be scared of what the media is saying about this pandemic as a way to boost sales in specific items. Take a look at all of the toilet roll people have been buying there is no way that toilet roll is going to protect you from this virus soap is. It is not fair for the rest of the people that are not scared of this that are just trying to go about there daily lives and do not get the chance to go to the toilet because everyone else is panic buying all of the toilet rolls.

I think that the media has taken this way out of proportion because compared to everything else that is going on in the world and how many people die of things like suicide each day this virus is nothing. Make sure you leave a comment about your views on this so I know what everyone else is thinking.

I also think that the media is only covering this subject so much to try and cover up something else serious that is happening so that people do not protest against it because everyone is too scared to go outside because of this pandemic.

How To Make Money Online

I have been trying lots of different ways to make money online as a way to make some passive income but most of the ways are not working for me or if they are they not paying a lot of money. You will have seen my previous blog post about how I have tried to make money but most of them are not working as well as I would like them to.

I have found some new ways of trying to make money online but it is very slow and does not pay a lot of money. I am very good at typing so I have tried my best to use this skill to make some money online. I am using a site called 2captcha which pays you a very little amount of money ( less than 1 cent ) to fill out captchas. This is a slow site and there is not always a lot of captchas to fill out so I would recommend having this running the back groud whilst you are doing something else.

The other site I have been using I have made another blog post about and that site is called slice the pie. If you would like a full in-depth review of this site please leave a comment and I will be sure to get on that as soon as possible.

Over 100 Blog Post

My previous blog post was the 100th blog post that I have made. I will be making a lot more blog posts in the future so that I have got something to do. I am sure that not a lot of people are reading this so it really does not matter what exactly I am posting it is really just a way for me to fill some spare time up and distract me from everything else that is currently going on.

If you have got any topics that you would like me to make a post on be sure to leave a comment with them on and I will be sure to make a post about them.

How I have Started To Make Money

I have started to make some money online as a way to fill sometime whilst I am stuck at home. I have tried to use cloud mining platforms as a way to make money but they are not paying as well as I would want them to so I have started to look at other ways I could make money.

I have found a website called slice the pie which is a good website as it pays you to leave reviews on products. This is not one of those sketchy sites that pay you to leave just positive reviews it is a site that pays you for your honest opinion about them.

If you would like to check out the site leave a comment and I will be sure to give you a link to it if not I am sure you will just be able to find it google.

What To Do Whilst Being Stuck At Home

There is not a lot of productive stuff you can do at home if you are not willing to put in a lot of work however it is also not your fault if you can not find something to do. Here is a list of everything that you can do whilst you are stuck at home if you have nothing to do.

- Clean
- Find work online
- Watch youtube videos
- Watch films
- Read articles online

If none of these work for you leave a comment and I will try and suggest some other ideas that you might be able to try if you get bored.


I am split to weather as a country we are under-preparing for this outbreak as it might be very serious but it also might be something small so I should not worry about it. I am thinking that because I am young I am going to survive it if I get it but I am my best not to get it as it might be something very serious and it might kill a lot of people.

What I Have Done Today

So far today I have had to wait in for the doors to be fitted at my house. I have been trying till out captchas online to try and make some money online but it is limited and I am struggling with my eyesight as I have been doing this for a long time and still not have made a lot of money. Since there has been an outbreak of the virus that is going on in my country I am having to stay at home for as long as possible so that I do not risk getting it.

New Blog Update

I am still trying to make money online but it is so hard to do. I am trying lots of different methods still but I am still trying to make some decent money online. If anyone has any good ideas it would be nice to read them in the comments.

The Government Controls The News

 I have alwasy believed that the government controls what storyies the news run to try and control what the people who are watching it belie...