Apart from going on a bike ride, I called in on my grandparents as well but before you freak out I stayed at least 2 meters away from them I just wanted to check in on them to see if I could get anything from the shop for them. They were okay because my brother is staying with them whilst I am staying with my mum.
I also went shopping with my mum well I say I went shopping I stayed in the car whilst she went shopping so that it could allow an extra person to be inside the supermarket who might be getting supplies for a larger family. It was really nice to get back outside for once but I do have some bad news. I wanted to go out in my car but because it has been stood for so long without being moved, the battery on it has died so next time I want to use it I am going to have to get a jump from another car or something.
I know this is a much longer post than usual but in all fairness, it has been a week in lockdown so I thought a big update was due. I hope that we will only have to go another 2 weeks of this before we are allowed back out.
How was your first week in lockdown did you do anything different today, let me know in the comments below. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and if you got this far you have won a surprise a free get well message. If you are suffering I hope you get well soon and that we all fight this together.
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