Saturday 28 March 2020

Day 5 Of The Lockdown

Well, there it is another day gone, just waiting for this whole thing to be over now so my life can return to somewhat of normality.
Today, my mum has been in all-day instead of going to work and I think she has just come to terms with how hard it is to stay inside all day. It was very nice to see her though and it was good to talk to her about random stuff again. She has been at work whilst all this is happening so today has been the only day where I actually got to see her and talk to her about everything.

For the rest of this I day I am going to make another blog post and focus on trying to get some more people to follow me and to look at the blog. I want to get a lot of following online for the content that I post so please share the page and help me grow. It is the only thing that is keeping me going through this lockdown. Please stay tuned for a lot of cool content to come :)

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