Friday, 19 June 2020

Terms And Conditions- Accept To Sell Information

Whenever you are signing up for something online there is always the terms of service or the terms and conditions that you have got to accept in order to proceed. But, do you actually ever read them.

Most of the people who are signing up to a website are doing it in order to proceed through the website so they want to get this process out of the way as soon as but this is where your information can get leaked. When you press accept without reading them you are allowing the website to do whatever they want with your data and use your data however they want whether it is legal or not because you have allowed them to do this. 

We all need to start reading these so that our information can be as secure as possible as without reading them the company can do anything with your data. They could sell your number online to scammers who will try and scam you out of your hard-earned money. I think there needs to be an option that lets you choose what terms and conditions you want and still allow you to proceed anyway.

This is a crafty part of the signing up process because most sites will not allow you to continue to use their site if you do not sign up and you can not complete the signing in part fo the website without confirming these conditions. This is where they get you it is the small print of a contract but virtually as nobody ever reads them and we all need to start to. 

I was thinking that there has got to be a way where you can decline parts of the terms and conditions but still be allowed to complete the sign-up process. I would recommend the next time you are signing up for something just have a quick read through these terms and conditions and you will learn something new and you will also be shocked to see what you have just been allowing these companies to do. These terms and conditions covers the website if you are using it to do something illegal, most website will not allow you to do so but you will have no case in court if it happens to you because they will say you agreed to this when you signed up to the website.

If you are signing something you are always told to read what you are signing as you might be signing up for a punch int the face now this is unlikely but it is still a possibility. I am not saying that you need to read every single line of the terms and conditions but you do need to at least open them and have a scroll through them so that you can see what you are signing up for exactly. 

If you skipped to the end of this article to see what it is all about I will cover it for you here. Read the terms and conditions once so you know what you are signing up for and make sure that you are not signing up for companies to sell your data online. 

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