Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Day 99 Of Daily Journal

Day 99 of daily journal and today has been a very busy day I had lots to do but still managed to get some gaming in as well.
Day 99 Of Daily Journal

Today it was my friend's 18th birthday so I went to go and see them after I had finished work. Speaking of work I woke up late to go to work but because I am a great driver I managed to fly there as quick as I could and managed to make it work sort fo on time. I just blamed the traffic and not the fact that I woke up late. After work, I saw my friend and then went up to my nans and saw her for a bit and managed to get a little bit of gaming done whilst I was at hers.

Tomorrow, I have got another early morning again but this time I know that I am going to wake up as I have set a lot more alarms for it. I would like to see my friend again after work but I am not sure on what time I am going to finish so I am just going to try my best to see them and if not I will have to see them another time. 

I have got a lot more work which is good as that means I have got a lot more money coming in and it also means that my time is taken up so that I do not have to think about things. It is good that it is keeping my mind busy as well as it is a lot better and I am not thinking about things as much so whatever happens, happens really. 

It is still very complicated but I think that I am dealing with things a lot better although I do keep finding things out that set me back. It's just small things but eventually, these small things are going to add up and then there will be a point where I just can't take it anymore. 

I just got to keep getting through it one day at a time. 

Stay Frost Much Love IFB :) 

1 comment:

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