Friday, 26 June 2020

Day 94 Of Daily Journal

Day 94 has been a very long day, I have been working and then I have had to do some house chores nevermind to mention the heatwave.
Day 94 Of Daily Journal

Today has been a long day I have been working and then I had to sort the doctors out so that they could phone me back tomorrow and I could finally get some proper hayfever tablets that might actually work. Speaking of work today, I was working with fiberglass and I did not wear the right gear for it so it got all over me and it has been non-stop itching. I did get a nice cold shower when I got in and that was very nice especially since I have been working inside in this heatwave that we are currently having.

Tomorrow, I have got to phone the doctors and then I have got to go to my nans to make sure that she is okay because I have not seen her and then I think that I am going to spend the rest of the day tomorrow just relaxing and trying to feel better after the few days of hard work that I have had. My hayfever has been a bit better today but then again I have taken more tablets than I should of so that will have helped.

I hope that the doctors offer me something proper for my hayfever I am not fussed what it is as long as it works and actually makes my symptoms better and makes it so that I can breathe again. I am really feeling the effects of working again as my legs are starting to hurt again but I guess that is a small price to pay to make sure that I have got some money coming in.

I have been feeling a bit better with my mental health, having something to do all day has really helped me escape my mind and has taken a lot of pressure off me as I am not overthinking things and they are not getting complicated. It has been hard but I think that I am slowly getting through it, the most important thing to remember is to stay strong through anything you are going through. There will be a positive outcome and it will be worth it in the end.

Stay Frosty Much Love IFB :) 

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