Tuesday 12 May 2020

Twitter Employees To Work From Home Forever

Twitter has announced that some of its employees can work from home for a long time if they choose so.
Twitter Employees To Work From Home Forever

I think that this is brilliant at is gives them the option to stay in lockdown and to stay safe without it having an impact on their job. They have got a lot of things that they need at home to continue to work and if not they would have to go into the office maybe once a week to go to a meeting or they could host meetings online as well as in-person so that they can still continue to work. 

The fact that this lockdown has not really affected their ability to work is great as it gives them something to do during the lockdown and it means that they have still got a way to make some money which is a great thing as the economy is falling apart. Twitter has given them the option to continue to work from home which I think is great as it means that they do not have to worry about having loads of employees in the office or workplace and put a lot of people's lives at risk.

This will help stop the spread when they ease the lockdown as fewer people will have to go into work and it will also decrease the amount of pollution that their employees have got or are contributing too as they will not have to make the daily commute to the office and can work from home saving money on fuel and saving the environment from more pollution. 

If Twitter has got the budget it for it then they might even be able to higher a lot more people to work from home for there company as they would not have to worry about needing the office space for them to come into work.

I think this working from home could improve a lot of people's lives if a lot more companies decide to do it has it would open up a lot more job opportunities for people who are disabled and can not make it into the office every day but still have the will power to work. This new world that we are all becoming a part of looks like it is one that is going to include everyone as an equal.

I hope that this new world is one of peace and not war and we remember these hard times and that we do not go back to how life was before. Stop the hate and spread the love for everyone.

Stay frosty much love IFB :) 

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