Wednesday 13 May 2020

Day 50 Of Lockdown Journal

Well today has marked the 50th day of being in lockdown and it has been a very tough journey but we are getting there slowly. 
Day 50 Of Lockdown Journal

Today, I worked on my car again I have checked all of the fuses on there to see if that was the problem but there was none that was blown so now I have got to try something else. It has been a good day but I have not done a lot or as much as I would have liked. For the rest of this night, I think I am going to make a lot of blog posts just for something to do because I can not sleep. 

Tomorrow, I have got a family friend coming around to have a look at the radio to see if he can help me, I am not sure how that is going to happen with the social distancing rules but we will see. I will have to make sure that I disinfect all of my cars after he has gone, he is only coming as a last resort before I have got to buy a new radio. 

I have been looking online to see what sort of radio it is for me to buy and I have been fighting a never-ending battle with google to try and get this page monetized so that I can start earning some extra money in these hard times. I am not sure how long this is going to be but I hope that it is not that long. In the meantime whilst I have been waiting for a response I have been googling all of the different types of radio there is to buy, I don't want to be spending a lot of money on one as I do not have a lot of money to be spending.

I do not plan on sleeping for the rest of tonight so I am sure that I will be able to make a lot of blog posts and keep looking for radios to buy. Hopefully, this friend is able to fix but if not I want to be looking for one that I can buy in case there is no hope for it.

Make sure you keep watching my blog page as there will be a lot of posts coming tonight and for me, it will be another sleepless night. I have been feeling a bit better but I can not see me feeling good for a long time yet, I keep telling myself that it is just a rough patch but I am not sure if it actually going to be like this for a long time. I can see me spending another 50 days in this lockdown as there is going to be a second peak sometime soon.

Stay frosty much love

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