Wednesday 13 May 2020

Stop Waiting

You have got to stop waiting for things to happen and make them happen before it is too late.
Stop Waiting For Change Be The Change

Time is very precious and there is no point wasting it waiting for something to happen you have got to make it happen now before it is too late. If something is important to you and you are waiting for the circumstances to change then you might miss your chance to do it. You have got to act now no matter what the consequences are you do not want to miss that opportunity as it might not happen again.

A lot of people are too scared to do something because they do not know the consequences if they do but it is time to change stop being scared and go out and achieve what you want. Whether that is not seeing someone because your parents say not to it is time to put your foot down and tell them that you are going to see them. You might miss out on the best time of your life if you just wait and let other people control your life.

Take control do what you want and do not let other people stop you otherwise you will miss out on a lot of your life. Trust me I have been waiting for a long time for something to happen and now I am at the point where if it does not happen soon then I am going to make sure that it does happen. Stop waiting for things to change and make them change. Play the game instead of being stuck on the loading screen. Act now before it is too late.

There is probably a lot that you have already missed out on because you were waiting for something else to happen but it is not going to happen unless you change something to make it happen. No matter what you are going through you need to do what makes you happy when your sad, you need to do what makes you better when you are down you need to do the thing that makes you stand up when you are falling. 

Stop waiting for everything else around you to change and start acting to make it change, do not just give up when something gets hard or you get rejected keep trying and keep acting until you have made what you wanted possible. There are a lot of factors that can change the outcome of something but you do not know those until you have tried. 

Your life can be better your life can get better as long as you act now and stop waiting for everything else to change around you. Make the change, you are the change.

I hope this helps someone going through something terrible right now it is time to change it is time to get better. 

Stay frosty stay strong much love IFB :) 

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