Friday 8 May 2020

To A New Beginning

I never want my life to ever be like what it has been for the past few days so I am starting over a new beginning for life.
To A New Beginning

These past few days have been absolutely hell for me and I never want my life to ever get to that point again. I do not know what is going to happen in my life but I can tell you for certain that I am never going to look back I am going to move forwards whether that is with people in my life that were there before or I meet new people I am starting over.  This new beginning is happening tonight, I do not care what happens but tomorrow I am going to wake up a better person.

I can not say what the future has got in for me but it will never be as bad as my past, it is time to change the present to make the future as bright as possible for me. If the person who cheated on me is reading this then I have a message for you, you know what you need to do to make things right if not I will leave you in my past. 

There is going to be a lot of things that get left behind in this new start. I want a new life a happy life a much better life for myself, I deserve better than this and I am not going to stop until I get that. It is about time that I took control of my life again become who I remembered the festival going self that would drink and have a good time listening to great music and just enjoying myself and ignoring what other people think of me. It is time for a change and that change is happening now.

I am done taking everything for people I am done being the person that someone blames when something goes wrong. I am done taking it is about time I made choices for myself it is time that I became the main character in my life. No more waiting. No more sitting around hoping for things to change I am going to make them change myself and then if I can't I am going to leave them where they are. It is time to put myself first for a change, it is time that I did what I wanted to do in life and ignoring everything that tries to stop me.  

Stay frosty much love IFB :) 

1 comment:

The Government Controls The News

 I have alwasy believed that the government controls what storyies the news run to try and control what the people who are watching it belie...