Monday 4 May 2020

Social Deleting Of David Icke

Youtube and Facebook have deleted the conspiracy theorist called David Icke as he is responsible for fueling the 5G conspiracy and a lot of other fake news.

Facebook was one of the first sites to delete this guys posts to try and put a stop to the spreading of fake news, he has been responsible for a lot of publicity surrounding a lot of conspiracies theories that have come out with the Coronavirus. A lot of people will have heard of this David Icke as he is the main conspiracy theorist who reports on the different theories about the Coronavirus but I think it is about time that we delete him fro using the internet. 

One of the main sources for this guy is posting videos on YouTube about his conspiracies theories for millions and millions of people to watch the. The most alarming thing about this is how much publicity this guy has gotten for talking about a load of nonsense. One of these videos even had links back to the 5G conspiracies that were so popular and filled with such rubbish. YouTube has stated that it was because his account violated a lot of the terms of service so they had no other option other than to delete his account. I don't think it will be long before he has got a website or another account on that platform that will go unnoticed by YouTube unless someone reports it.  

All of the other social media platforms should delete him from using their platforms to share his fake news and false stories. There should be a way that you can report a post for being fake news and as soon as you do it is taken down for a review through whatever platform it is on. It is about time that we take back control of what is posted on these social media platforms and these people should not be allowed to post.

Whenever I read something online and I think that does not sound right I google it and then I check and make sure the sources that I am reading are correct. I urge you to do the same it will only take you about 1 minute of your day to just fact check something online and you will learn something new as well. 

I think it is time that we apply these social distancing rules to online and make some sort of social deleting rules so that when we see a post by someone like David Icke and delete them from posting. I know this will be controversial as yes I do believe in freedom of speech online and offline but this has got some limits, there has got to be factual evidence behind what you are talking about and if you are reporting on something then you should make sure that you have got sources that can back you up.

There is a lot of rubbish online so please make sure you double-check what you read and make sure that you do not believe everything that you are reading.

Stay frosty much love IFB :)         

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