Monday 4 May 2020

Day 41 Of Lockdown

What a good day today I managed to get so much done I think I am finally on track to reach my goals for this blog page.

Today was a good day I managed to create an advert for this blog page and I have tried pitching it on some social media sites. I made sure that I took a lot of time on the text that I use on the adverts and made sure that I spent a lot of time researching different adverts so that I can get a good feel of what works and what doesn't. I might update the advert I have made in the future to look better but I think I really like this advert, I had so much to learn about adverts and I still have a lot more to learn.

Tomorrow I am going to try and make some more posts, I got bored with the game I was playing today so now I have got to look for a new one. I might just watch some Netflix there is a series that I would like to watch so I think I will watch that at some point. I can not believe how well my blog page did today and I look forward to seeing how much it will grow in the future.  At some point, I think I might shower and make my self look nice for no reason just so I can remember what it was like.  

I really enjoy working on this blog page it is like my little project and I always look into the different ways that I can improve it, I hope that you are all enjoying the content that I am making as I look forward to making a lot more for you guys to read. Thank you all for the great feedback so far and thank you for taking the time to read my posts. I have been feeling a lot better about myself recently which is a good thing maybe it is because I have been filling my time with something useful other than just watching YouTube all day.

I hope you are all stay ing safe during this pandemic and just know that we will all get through this together, remember we all have each other through this make sure that you stay in contact with your friends through this it will make you feel better. Today has marked the 41 days of the lockdown and hopefully, it will not last that long.

Stay Frosty much love IFB :) 

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