Sunday 3 May 2020

Issues With COVID-19 Tracing Apps

With this pandemic basically taking over our lives there were suggestions for a new app to locate people in your area with COVID-10 but there are issues with these tracing apps.

Most of these apps have not been properly developed yet and will have lots of problems if you think about it a good app will take many months if not years to develop yet google and Apple have managed to make this possible within a few weeks. Not only could this cause a lot of hate towards people that have come down with this virus but it could make them a target for a lot of hate and violence towards them. This contact tracing app is not the right way to go about it as this new tech invention is inevitably going to backfire and people will use it as a way to find people who have got coronavirus and eliminate them. 

The only reason why this app was developed was so that we could re-open the countries and reduce lockdowns but re-opening places are the last thing that we need right now. The lockdown was put in place for a reason and that was to stop the spread of this virus from reaching any more people yet somehow the virus has still managed to infect a lot more people. When the lockdown was put in place the only people who should have come in contact with the virus are health care professionals who were helping people who were already sick. 

There where lots of things that we did not do right during the lockdown and hopefully we can take this opportunity to learn the right way to go about putting a lockdown in place and when the right time to put a lockdown in place should be. This app could have a lot of potentials if it was issued to health care professionals so that they could track who has got the virus and they could check up on how the patients are doing and see if they have infected anyone else.  

Most apps that have got the idea of tracing people will always fail because not only will people not want to download these apps in the first place but they will not want everyone else to be able to see their location and have this data available for everyone else to see. Another problem with this is that not everyone that you come into contact with will give you the disease but they are going to be much more of a risk to your life. A lot of people do not know they have got the virus until it is after the incubation period so that gives them a week to infect everyone else without even knowing that they have. 

I think as soon as someone in your household has got the virus then that household should not be able to leave until everyone has recovered from it and anyone who has been in contact with that household for the past week face to face should get a call or a notification telling them that they have been in contact with someone who has now got the virus and they should be careful. This way they are not giving out information on the location or on the person who has infected them it is a much more general approach to it ensuring everyone else safety. 

I hope that we take this pandemic as a learning point so that we do not make the same mistake in the future when there is another pandemic and please make sure that you are staying home and staying safe for the next few weeks as even if they lift the lockdown that does not mean that you are safe from the virus. 

Stay frosty much love IFB :) 


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