Thursday 7 May 2020

Should You Ever Take Back A Cheater

Recently I had someone in my life who has cheated on me for the past 3 months. But I do not know if I should go back to them.
Should you take back a cheater. 

There are many reasons as to why you might think about taking back a cheater maybe they did it only once a slip of judgment a one-time thing. In my case, that just wasn't she was with someone for 3 months as well as seeing me and wanting to be with me. We were together for nearly 4 years before this happened. Yes we did break up but things were starting to go back on track for us but she kept her other boyfriend hidden.

What she has done will never be forgotten but part of me does not want to give up on her, part of me wants to believe that she is not like this and that she won't do it again. The other part of me the smart part of me is saying never go back to her, she has cheated once she will do it again. I am so torn between what to do what is the right thing to do what is the wrong thing to do. This is really hard.

I have given her today to see me face me so she knows what she has done and so that we can talk about it face to face. I know reading this during the lockdown you will say that I should not see her because she might have COVID-19 but I am at the point where I do not care if I get it. There are so many things wrong with what she has done but should I take her back. 

We were happy together before all of this, but can I ever look at her the same way after knowing all of this, can I ever trust her again after all of this. There is going to be no simple fix to this. I wish that there was a magic wand to make this all better but that does not exist. I think that if she does not do something to fix this then I will just move on with my life.

The only problem with moving on in life after this has happened is that it is going to affect all of my other relationships in the future because I am going to be thinking that they are hiding something or that they are cheating on me. The damage that this has done is so much, not only to me but to her as well. There is nothing that will ever make this right but there is a chance to move on.

There is only one person who can decide if you can take them back or not and that is you. Only you know the history between you both only you know if she will do it again. There is never a simple fix once this has happened in a relationship. People will lose respect for you if you back to them but that is your choice. Ignore what everyone else is thinking this is your life, you make your choices you decide what the right thing is to do. 

If she learns that this is not alright that she should never lie to me or cheat on me or on anyone then I might think about taking her back but that is not going to happen overnight. We both need to sit down and talk to each other about this.  If she does not see me today or if she does not fix this then expect to see a post tomorrow about new beginnings.

Stay frosty much love IFB :) 

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