Tuesday 5 May 2020

Possible Cure For Coronavirus

UK scientists have found a way to test if you are immune to the coronavirus by creating a test that is 99.8% accurate and takes only 35 minutes to get results.
Possible Cure For Coronavirus

This new test check for anti-bodies for coronavirus to see if you have got these anti-bodies as if you have these anti-bodies then you are immune to this virus. If someone who has been infected by this disease has got these anti-bodies then they are immune to the disease, therefore, can not be infected again. This new test means that there could be an end to the lockdown as a lot of people could be immune to this disease. The new test has only just been found out so they have still got a lot of testing to do and a lot of evaluations before they can do these tests on a lot of people.

This test sounds great but it is not exactly a cure for the disease it is more like telling people, yes you have had it but good news you can not get it again. Everyone has got to have had the virus before they can become immune to it so for the elderly and people who have got underlying health conditions does that mean it is the end for them.

These people who were at risk of dying from the disease will still have to wait for a proper cure but surly if everyone else is immune to the disease then it stops them from passing the disease onto others. If not then these people will just have to wait for a cure.

Switzerland has got the right idea they are going for heard immunity so they are letting all young people out and about to get infected so that they can recover from the disease and then they will all be immune from the disease. I think this is why Switzerland is coping so well during this pandemic. For now, I think heard immunity is the best thing for us right now until a proper cure is invented and implemented for the people.

The only problem with this is that even though the test was made in the UK the company headquarters are based in Switzerland so because we have left the EU then we might not benefit from these tests. There are talks between the 2 governments so that the NHS will be able to benefit from it and so that they will be able to share the tests between the EU and England. 

There have also been attempts to make a home testing kit available so that you would be able to test your self at home but I am not sure how successful this will be. Hopefully, there will be a cure to this disease soon so that we can move forward to a "new normal" and get back to work and on with our lives. Let's all just stay positive so that we can get through this.

Stay frosty much love IFB :)        

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