Saturday 9 May 2020

My Life

I have been thinking a lot about my life what I want to happen what needs to happen so I thought I would share it with.

My life has been a mess for the past few days which you will know if you read my blogs but I want things to change, I don't want to move on from things I don't want to just forget everything that has happened but I do want a new start. A new start to everything that has happened a clean sleight so that I can move forward with things. 

I am not ready to give up I am not ready to sit back and just wait for things to change I want action now. Some people say that they do not deserve to have me in their life but I put myself in their life because I want to be a part of it if I didn't I wouldn't be. I am tired of waiting for things to happen if I keep waiting for the next thing I know my life will have just disappeared it will have flashed before my eyes. I am done waiting I want action today not tomorrow not the next day not 3 months from now today.

I don't know what my life is without some people in it I really don't but I can't have them in my life if they don't want it. So when they don't want it I just remove them I live my life on from that point. I don't return to them no matter how hard they try they had their chance, I am a forgiving person but not a patient one so if I ever give you a chance to be in my life after you have messed up you take it and you don't look back. You do everything you can to be a part of my life or you get left in the past.

Yes, I am forgiving but I will never wait for someone. I use to wait and bad things happened. I use to wait and now I am older and I am done waiting. I think this motivates some of you reading to ask that question you have burning inside for someone I hope this motivates you to even ask the person you like out as you might not get another chance and then you will just become a distant memory of theirs. 

No more waiting it is time for action.

Stay frosty much love IFB :) 

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