Saturday 9 May 2020

Day 46 Of Lockdown Journal

Well, today has been another terrible day of the lock but there might be some good news for the rest of you.
Day 46 of lockdown journal

Today has been another terrible day I had to go to work but my bosses broadband was not working so that did not last long and was very stressful as he has got an audience that I have got to manage and they did not like the fact that they could not get the entertainment. Hopefully, next week he has got internet back up and it works so he can go again and please the crowd of people wanting to see him. It was a struggle for me to even get to work well it wasn't it was just the mental challenge of actually doing something productive.

Tomorrow, I am hoping is going to be a better day even if I just spend it in bed moping around I will have still got through another day and that is the most important part right now. You might think that everyone else around you is working out or baking cakes and you're not doing anything, well let me tell you, you are doing amazing because the only thing that matters is getting through this. 

I have heard that they are going to be lifting some of the lockdown rules in order to help some people out. A lot of fast food places are open and a lot of schools are apparently opening up for young ones who have not got underlying health conditions. I think that I am going to wait to see how this first wave of people do before I adventure out. I would hate to go out because the government says it is okay and accidentally infect one of my loved ones. I am thinking of this as a trial run to see how the first wave do before I go out.

Each day of this lockdown is getting harder and harder but at least I am making it through each day and that is something to be proud of. I think it is all about focusing on all of the little positives in life, each day you have made it through is something to be proud of.

Stay frosty much love IFB :) 

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