Sunday 10 May 2020

Google Staff To Work From Home Until 2021

Google has announced that it wants most of its staff members to work from home until October or even until the end of the year.
Google Staff To Work From Home Until 2021

It has been a while since I have done a tech-related post so I thought this would be a great one to talk about. Google wants mosts of its staff to continue to work from home until maybe next year. This means that working from home could become the new normal for most employees, I do not see this as a bad thing either as a lot more people will be comfy at home and it if a lot more people working from home then another pandemic like this one will not be as serious as there will be a lot less contact. 

It is not just google that is doing this a lot of other tech companies are doing the same thing and telling a lot of its staff members to continue to work from home. Even though a lot of places are trying to encourage businesses to re-open so that a lot of people can go back to work so that the economy can recover from this virus, a lot of people have responded and said that they will return to work when experts say that it is safe to do so and not politicians.

A lot of people will continue to work from home even after experts have said that it is safe to go out again because it is a lot more convenient and you will not have to drive to the workplace every day which will save you a lot of money. Most people can not work from home such as those who are in the music industry but they are going to have to try and figure something out until they re-open bars clubs and other social events.

We are expecting a meeting from Boris tonight as an update for what he has got planned for the new lockdown and to if he is going to lift any part of the lockdown. Media sites and media/ reporting outlets have said that he does plan to lift parts of the lockdown but I am not going to get my hopes up for nothing to happen again. They have been saying that he is going to lift the lockdown for the past 4 weeks or so. I know I won't be going outside properly until it is safe to do so. 

I think it is a good idea to work from home if you have got the opportunity to do so as it would make your life a lot easier and you will not have to go to the office every day which will save you money and extra time, you will also be able to work form the comfort of your own home which is another good thing as you won't get strain from those horrible office chairs. 

The only problem with working from home is that you might not be as focused to work at home as you might spend the time watching Netflix instead of actually doing the work, your employer will also have to trust you enough to make sure that you do work from home and will this mean that they will be checking up on you to make sure you are doing the work or will you have to agree to some sort fo in-home surveillance. 

I hope that Boris does lift parts of the lockdown so that life can become a bit easier for everyone in the lockdown but I am not sure if he will if he does then I am sure that we will be able to see some of our family if they have also been self-isolating. Just think if he says that you are only allowed to go and see them if you have not gone out then all of these people that have been flaunting this lockdown will have to stay inside. 

There is definitely going to be a new normal after all of this is over whether that is working from home as a lot of Google employees or if it just becomes a safer world with a lot less pollution, either way, I see this new normal as being a good thing. 

Stay frosty much love IFB :) 

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