Monday 11 May 2020

Day 48 Of Lockdown Journal

Well, another day down and not even more information on what is happening for this lockdown.
Day 48 of Lockdown Journal

Today was a better day than I had yesterday so that is a good thing I didn't do much as I slept for most of the day and then when I woke up I updated this page. I was going to do another update about what Boris has said about this lockdown but it was too much of a joke to even write about it. It was a better day for me today and I think that things might be looking up but I do not want to jinx it just yet.

Tomorrow, I am going to try and get my sleeping pattern back but I am still not sure how to go about it and I think I will make another post to this page tomorrow as well. I have not been posting a lot because of what has been happening but I want to start posting a lot more often. I will go into what Boris said about this lockdown in this post I did not think it deserved a post to its self because of how ridiculous it is.

He has said that we can go and drive to the beach and sunbathe but we should make sure that we stay 2 meters apart from everyone else as they are not part of our households. This is going to be impossible as everyone is going to be crowded on the beach. In my opinion, it would have been a much better idea to introduce the small bubble of people that you can go and see because he has given everyone too much freedom. The worst thing he said, in my opinion, was if you can not work from home then go to work, alright let's follow that so all of your friends can be rich but we can not mix with people. How does this work for the music industry are we all meant to go and wait outside venues for them to open up since then we are at work but not getting paid. Wake up Biris.

We are still not allowed to go and see our loved ones but we can all go to the beach and sunbathe and we can all go and have a picnic at the park but not socialize with anyone. What about all those people living on there won because lockdown was put in place when they were not at there boyfriends or girlfriends house.

It is honestly all just one big joke at this point. I wish he made things more clear like you can go and see another member of a different household but just one or a small circle of 3 because people are going to arrange to see them and then they are going to break these lockdown rules then you are going to fine them now £100 for first offenses but £3000 for a second. Nice way to make money since you are running out and telling people to go back to work. 

I can see a lot of people going against this lockdown and rioting because Boris has not made things clear. It has been a better day today and it is time that I got my life back on track to where it was heading before. Thank you for taking the time to read this I know it was a bit of a rant but it killed some time whilst we are all going through this lockdown together. 

Stay frosty much love IFB :) 

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