Monday 11 May 2020

Apple To Move Production From China To India

Apple has stated that it is going to be moving a significant amount of production from China to India.
Apple To Move Production From China To India

I am not sure if this is a response to the recent epidemic that started in china or because of the labor rates and if they can still afford to produce phones for cheap in China or if they can make them cheaper in India. I like the fact that a lot of phones are made in china because a lot of technological advancements are made over there so I would have some sort of confidence to say that they know what they are doing and I am not sure if India would, but in a world where most of the production is done by robots I am sure that there is not a lot that they could get wrong.

China has been the main point of production for Apple for a long time because of the cheap labor cost and the amount of mass production that they could do at a cheap rate. This move to India could be because of the labor costs over there being cheap as well.

Maybe they are going to now move the production from China they are just upscaling so that they can meet more demands for customers and they want to do it in a different country from where the outbreak was. This is something that does not get taken into account how this virus has affected the manufacturing epicenter of the world and how a lot of production had to come to a halt because of the virus and it is going to take a lot for this to recover.  

This move comes along with India's new PLI scheme which is the production-linked incentive which means that India wants to be known for creating a lot more technical and electronic products, especially for smartphones. As they say, they who control the phones control the world and if they can threaten to halt of production then that is a very powerful card to play. This move could make profits for India into the 10's of billions so well done Apple for supporting this. 

I imagine that a lot of other smartphone manufacturers might also move some more production to India as they have cheap labor costs and India will benefit from this as there worth as a country will go up drastically meaning they will have more money to help develop there country either that or just make the rich richer and the poor hard worker.   

Stay frosty much love IFB 

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