Wednesday 6 May 2020

Day 43 Of Lockdown Journal

Well today has marked the 43rd day of being in lockdown and now there are talks about the lockdown being lifted on Thursday but I am prepared for that not to happen.
Day 43 Of Lockdown Journal

Today has been a steady day not done much in terms of work or anything like that just been chilling like usual. My charger is on its way out which is rather depressing as it means waiting to get a new delivered.  I am still at a never-ending battle to get paid for these blog posts but that is proving to be harder than I thought. I did get ready today not to go anywhere just to remember what it was like to have to get ready. I have seen a new charger on eBay but I just do not trust eBay with my money as I know far too many people who have been scammed through using eBay.

Tomorrow I might just sleep for most of the day, I have got no reason to do anything else. I would like to make some more blog posts and find a way that I can earn a little bit of money but that is not going to happening anytime soon. I have been trying different ways to make money but nothing has come of them yet. I would like to make more blog posts tomorrow but it is definitely going to be a battle to get out of bed. I think that tomorrow I am just going to focus on actually making it through the day.

My hair has really started to grow out at this point and part of me wants to leave it after the lockdown has finished so that  I can have long hair but the other part of me is like shave it off it looks stupid which I agree it does. It is a battle to grow my hair long as it never grows straight down it grows like outwards which is a problem as I want long hair nit just wide hair. I have got to say though the puffy hair does make me look younger. 

I am getting fed up with people and things letting me down though as it is kind of one of my pet peeves if you say you are going to do something then actually do it instead of making up some excuse last minuet as to why you can't. I have got work again on Friday so I am looking forward to that as it is always a feel-good way to end the week. 

A lot of people have been complaining about having to go back to work but put yourself in my shoes I have not been able to go to work for a long time and I do not think I am going to be able to return to work as before this lockdown I did work in the music industry and pubs, clubs, and events are going to stay closed for a lot longer. Some people might say then why are you not protesting for this lockdown to end and the answer to that is I would much rather struggle and miss out on work than have to go and attend to my family's funerals just because I wanted a few more pennies in my bank account.

Stay frosty much love IFB     

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