Sunday 3 May 2020

Day 40 Of Lockdown

We have just passed day 40 of the lockdown and right now we have been on lockdown for lent basically. Today was a good day I spent a lot of it gaming and just relaxing making up for the lost time that I didn't game yesterday.
Day 40 Of Lockdown

This quarantine has gone on for the same amount of time for lent so you could say for lent this year I gave up everything and it really was like Jesus as we couldn't go anywhere or see anyone. Hopefully, when this is all over we are all re-born into a different better world where we all have an extra bit of sense about us and that we no longer take our freedom for granted. 

Tomorrow I will be focusing on making more blog posts instead of gaming and I will also be focusing on trying to promote the blog page as well. I am still trying to get AdSense to monetize my blog so that I can start earning some money from it but I know that is going to be a long and painful battle. I am starting to feel a little less deflated as I have started to set my self with small goals that are easily achievable to get that feeling of accomplishment. For the rest of tonight, I am going to check to see how empty my wallet is and I also might research blog adverts and try my best to put one together for my blog page so that I can get more readers to this page.

As usual, there is not a lot going on in my life right now it is just slow and steady making sure that I am staying at home so that we can get out of this lockdown together and then I will be able to see my family and my loved ones again. I am also in desperate need of a chair soon I think this time when I buy one I will make sure that it is a lot more comfortable so I can spend many more hours at the computer without getting a numb bum. 

Thank you for taking the time to read the daily update of my life in lockdown and as always from me...

Stay Safe IFB :) 

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