Wednesday 1 April 2020

Wimbledon Is CANCELLED + Ed Sheeran Pays His Employees


Wimbledon has decided not to ahead with the event this year because of the coronavirus outbreak which is sad because it is an iconic English sporting event. It is fair that they have decided to cancel it because we would not be able to go anyway and it would not be a good idea for lots of us to gather in one sport right now plus you have got to think of the safety of the tennis players who would be coming and going for the event. I wonder what else will this virus impact. Should we just shut down earth 2020 and reboot it from a safer date? This virus has had such an impact on everything that we take for granted usually I just wonder how this will change life for us when it is over. 

In other news, Ed Sheeran is paying the wages of his employees for his restaurant to help them through these tuff times. All of the restaurants should be doing this to help their employees because they work for them and they should be treated with some sort of respect and get some reward for working for them as well. I think that all businesses should have some funding spare to help their employees if something like this happens so that when it is over they want to come back to work for them. Thank you, Ed, for giving us some hope that there are still some good people left in this world. 

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