Monday 6 April 2020

Was Houseparty App Hacked?

With everyone being on lockdown house party saw a rise in new accounts made and then they were supposedly hacked but where they really hacked more information in the post below... 
It is very important to know if that new app you have downloaded is safe and after doing a bit of research into what has happened I would say that the app is secure. If you look into the spokesman of the app said that there was no evidence that any accounts had been compromised however this does not mean that the app is entirely secure. This could mean that the account has been compromised but the hackers have not left any evidence. I would say that this app is secure so continue using it if you have no other way to talk to your friends or find safer alternatives if you do not want to use it. 

So you are probably asking yourself what really happened? Well to get into there was a phishing attempt used with the app where the hacker would set up a basic login page to the app and then make users sign into it and then this would give the information to the hacker. This is also known as a man in the middle attack as you accidentally fall for it without even knowing it. There have been reports that hackers have been able to get into other apps on your phone by using Houseparty as an entrance but this is also not true. The hacker would have gained your password through the phishing attack and then, because you are human, you probably have the same password for everything so the hacker just put your details into each account that they think you might have. 

How to stop this in the future... make sure that you use a different password for everything and make sure that you double-check the link you have been sent make sure it has got https:// and that there are no simple spelling mistakes in the link such as .corn as a .com. They are very clever these hackers so always double-check things and just do not put your password in if you think it might not be secure.

As always stay safe. IFB 

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