Sunday 5 April 2020

RIOTS During Lockdown

There gave been fears that this lockdown is likely yo go on longer but the government is not sure if the public will understand or if they will turn against law enforcement and start to riot in the streets.  
I expect something like this to happen because everyone will be so bored and if they are told that they have got to stay in for longer then I expect them to rebel and start to go against the lockdown rules even though it will mean that they are putting lives in danger. This is because people do not like being told what to do so I do not think it will be long before people start to riot in the streets against the lockdown. 

There have already been some instances in Italy of people looting shops which will soon lead to riots I imagine and I do not think it will be long before people in the UK do the same. If Boris decides that he has got to keep this lockdown going then I can already see people rebelling against his power and just going out anyway. It is going to be a tuff decision for Boris because if he lifts it he is putting people's lives in danger but if he keeps it going then more lives could be put in danger because people will not respect his decision and start to rebel against him.

If people do start to riot do not get involved and I hope you all stay safe as always IFB.

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