Sunday, 19 April 2020

Using Technology To Combat COVID-19

With the world basically crumbling around us there is hope that our technological advancements to help us to combat COVID-19 and put an end to this virus and the lockdowns around the world.

So far technology has given us ventilators to help the people who have got coronavirus a chance to breathe and they have saved lots and lots of lives by doing so. Technology has also helped us trace who has got the virus and where they are going/ who else they are infecting with the use of GPS and a new app that is in development being brought in from google and apple to show who has got coronavirus symptoms in the area. 

Tech has also helped us to check who has got a temperature by using thermal imagining on citizens and they can check these through CCTV cameras for when you go out on that walk. There are lots of ways that China has implemented to help track the spread of the virus by being able to pinpoint your location to an exact train set and that is crazy if you think about it am not saying that we should all track our citizens to a pinpoint but we should all be tracking the travel that they are doing. 

Another way technology has helped us to fight this virus is by being able to send funding and support for the NHS and other health systems by being able to send money from our phones and has brought everyone int his country and many others together through the use of social media. Tech has also made it possible to order a full set of shopping from the comfort of your own bed which is amazing as it stops the need for having to go outside and shop which might make you interact with people. 

Obviously, there is a lot of human rights that surround the use of technology for tracking and that is why some ideas just get shut down immediately as they can not be implemented as they would just break human rights. The new data protection act also restricts some limitations of tracking with the use of technology as your location would be classed as your personal data. As always from me in these uncertain times...

Stay Safe IFB :) 

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