Thursday 16 April 2020

Police Using Fear

Ever since this lockdown has started I have seen a lot more police cars on the road but not many actually stopping people to ask them where they are going when they are clearly breaking the lockdown rules.

Is there presence on the road enough to give us fear and keep us inside I hope so but I do not think that it is right that they are using fear to keep us inside it should not have got to that point we should all want to stay inside so that it saves lives not so that we avoid getting a fine. I do like the idea of seeing a lot more police around during this lockdown so that we are all staying safe and not breaking lockdown but I do not want to see police cars just on the road cruising around I want to see them stopping people and asking them where they are going. This is one of the main reasons why I have not been going out for the hour of exercise a day because I know as soon as I leave the house I would be stopped and asked where I am going.

Times are very tuff when the only reason you think to stay inside is in order to avoid getting a fine and not because you will be saving countless numbers of lives. I always wonder why does seeing a police car always strikes so much fear into people even some people who are doing nothing wrong. I am not going to go into the justice system of this country because it is definitely corrupt and there are so many lies that go on you just never know what is exactly the truth. Do you guys think it is fair that they are using fear to keep us inside and is it actually working? Let me know your thoughts in the comments and I will be sure to respond to them as soon as possible. 

How stupid do we have to be for the only thing to keep us inside is the fear brought on by seeing a police car out on the street inside of thinking that if I stay inside I am going to be helping lots of people and I am going to be saving lives. Please just stay inside so that this lockdown can be over sooner and so that we can see our loved ones sooner. As always from me...

Stay Safe IFB :) 

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