Thursday 16 April 2020

Energy Use In America Fallen To 16 Year Low

The energy usage in America has fallen to its lowest point in over 16 years since everyone is on lockdown proving that this lockdown is not only good for our lives but good for the planet as well.

Coronavirus has caused a dramatic drop in energy consumption in the United States, as all of the stay st home measures have meant that businesses have shut down and most of the industrial-like has largely halted. The electricity demand for America has fallen by 5.7% from the same week in 2019 which is such a dramatic dropped especially if businesses are growing America should be using more energy. It is at it's lowest point since 2004 which is so drastic as it is never that low well it hasn't been so low since 2004 when pollution was not a huge deal. 

Energy traders have noted that power use has also declined last week this is because the weather is improving keeping our homes warm whilst we are all stuck inside. You might think that because we are all inside watching telly doing chores using the dishwasher more and all of that sort of stuff that we are using more energy but even with all these devices that we are using day to day does not even compare to just one vehicle going on a daily commute. I can not believe how much everyone not going to work and the lockdown has effected the energy usage maybe there should be a week every year where we all stay inside and not use our cars or anything like that to 1 remember all of the fallen heroes of the coronavirus and then 2 to make a huge dent in energy usage and to help decrease the amount of pollution on earth.

Since everyone is not using as much energy then we are not creating so much pollution as well which is giving time for the earth to heal as well as all of us. As always from me...

Stay Safe IFB :)  

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