Friday 17 April 2020

Day 24 Of Lockdown

Well today was a rather chilled out relaxed day, I didn't really do much just worked on a few bits on the blog page and me just laying in bed relaxing and chilling out.

The updates that I have done to my blog is adding some great SEO tricks that I have learned and added them onto my blogger page. I can not wait to learn more tips and tricks so that I can optimize my blogger page so that a lot more people can find my blog if they want to reach it. This blog page has really helped me through the lockdown as it is a project that I can be working on when I get bored or when there is nothing else left on the internet to watch. 

Today I found out that the lockdown is going to be extended for 3 weeks at least and the only way that we can loosen the lockdown rules is that if the amount of deaths declines constantly and if the rate of infection is decreased so that we know that our country has passed the peak. This is going to be tuff and have a massive impact on the economy but it is better to have an extended lockdown rather than a second peak and a tuff lockdown like monitoring everyone's action. Let's just appreciate the little freedoms that we have got now rather than complaining and then getting tougher lockdown measures. 

I hope that you are all pulling through this lockdown and we will all make it to the end so that we can see our loved ones again and they will be alive because we have all stayed inside when we had to. As always from me...

Stay Safe IF :)   

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