Friday 3 April 2020


I always have the right energy to start something but I never have enough energy to stick with something until I am happy with it because I either do not see the expectations that I thought or it is just not as good as I would have hoped it to have been.

Let's take right now, for example, I am finding it so hard to just sit down and write out a lot of blog posts and create content that will be good enough to get the reader's attention and make them want to come back for me. I want to make sure that I am doing everything right but I just need to stick with it and not get lost when something does not go my way. Always work hard for everything you have got in your life and never take anything for granted because just like now I bet most of you miss being able to go and see your friends that you avoided so long ago. 

I want to achieve so much and I start so many things I just either do not do them right or I do them so wrong that it just backfires and puts me off from doing anything. This will not be the case for these blogs. I am determined to do it and I am most determined to do them right. Thank you all for reading and I hope you take away something valuable from this.

Stay safe IFB :) 

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