5G is just different frequencies and yes there are studies that show that frequencies can have an effect on the human body but do you think they would use the same frequency that could kill you to connect your phone to something. It is always good to read up on new technology and the risks that it has got when it is implemented but do not assume that it is something bad. Also, if it was 5g then why is everyone told to stay at home because that is the last place you should want to stay as the frequencies can pass through walls and still affect you.
The effects of 5G are at the most a risk of getting cancer but that is if you were exposed to it directly in one pulse instead of what the towers do where the send a low-level signal so that phones can connect to the tower. Do not live in fear of 5G it is a good thing it means more phones can connect to 1 tower at once and that means less ugly towers and a faster internet connection which I am sure you would all love. All of this fear behind 5G is just proof of fake news so read into it before you assume the worst.
Thank you for reading if you have any questions I will be sure to answer them :) IFB
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