Monday 13 April 2020

Military Helping With Coronavirus

I have seen lots of posts about how the military is helping with the coronavirus and I have seen a lot of misinformation on it so I thought I would update you to what it means.

All this means is that they are going to be helping the nurses on the frontline to manage their time and offer another set of helping hands in order to help manage the NHS. If they can send as many people as possible to help with the NHS then it won't get overcrowded and then fewer people will die from the virus as there are more people looking after you. 

Unfortunately, it does not mean that they are going out in the street and shooting people who break the lockdown even though I think it should as people who are breaking the lockdown to go and see friends and family are just making this lockdown last longer for the rest of us. The police are enforcing the lockdown which is a good thing but I think people who break the lockdown should be faced with more than just a fine of £30. If people are going to break the lockdown then they should be sent to a jail cell where they have got to do the lockdown since they are going to be idiots about it then they should be treated like idiots and then punished for putting other peoples lives at risk.

I congratulate the military for offering troops to help out during the virus as the more hands the NHS has got then the more lives it can save. The fewer people going out of this lockdown then the less time we will have to spend being in lockdown which is a good thing as then we will be able to see our families sooner. I hope you are all staying indoors and saving lives through this lockdown and as always...

Stay Safe IFB :)  

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