Saturday 4 April 2020

Lockdown 1 Week 3 Days ( Day 11)

Well, it is now day 11 of this lockdown and life is being easier and easier to manage. I am distracting myself by making more blog posts and trying to stay more active on my social media pages. I hope that this does not go on for much longer I am not sure how much longer of this I can take, I just want to have our freedom back. 
I went to work again today and by that I mean I did the same job that I did last week. It is so good to have something to do during this lockdown as a way to make money as well. There are lots of ways that you can make money online but I am not going to go into them they are far too complex and I just get bored with reading about them online. It should be payday for me soon so that is a positive I can look forward to. I think the main thing to keep going during this lockdown is to set yourself lots of small goals each day and just hope that you manage to do them. 
I want to be making a few more posts as well so stay tuned for that and as always...

Stay safe. IFB :) 

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