Sunday 12 April 2020

Good Morning/ Happy Easter

I just wanted to take this moment to wish you all a great morning and hope that you all have a happy Easter Sunday I hope the Easter bunny has brought you lots of eggs. 

I hope today is filled with joyous times and that you all share a lot of laughs with your family whilst we are stuck inside. If you do have a back garden you go and have an easter egg hunt or something like that since it is easter or you could just stay inside because the weather is not going to be that good today. You could start cooking for an Easter feast for yourself or even just some festive cookies.

I know some of you might not believe in the story of Jesus, like me, but apparently, he did rise again and that is an important message to be spreading right now in these uncertain times. If he can rise back from the dead then I am sure we can rise back from staying inside for a few weeks. Tomorrow we will find out about the lockdown and if it is it going to be extended or not but that is tomorrow's problem and not our problem right now.

I hope you all have a brilliant day today and as always...

Stay Safe IFB :) 

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