Saturday 4 April 2020

Focus on The Little Positives

The best thing that I like to do when I am having a bad day or think that I am about to have a bad day is to focus on something positive that has happened to me. For example, even though I am stuck inside and can not go anywhere I got paid today which is a good thing even though I can not spend it anywhere it is still a good thing that has happened to me. It was also a lot more than I was expecting so that is always good. 
I thought that the image above might mean a lot to some of you just to give you that little push to keep going no matter what and yes it is horrible that we are all stuck inside right now but that doesn't matter because we are all in the same boat. Take this time to focus on something that you have always wanted to do but never had the time to do it. Build something that you have always wanted to build or you could even clean that cupboard out that you have been putting off for a long time. No matter how small it is as long as it is something positive that makes you feel happy inside just get out there and do it.

Stay safe from IFB :) 

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