Tuesday 28 April 2020

Drones For Delivery

There were talks about using drones for delivery a long time ago when drones first came out but it has now been put interaction by CVS and UPS in Florida as a help to stop human interaction in these uncertain times.

This is a huge advancement in technology as they are finally using drones for something good. Before these drones were mainly used for photography and pleasure usage but now they can be used for something useful so that people can finally get packages without having to face a human who might have got this virus or not. What would you think about a drone delivering a parcel for you?

Delivery drivers might be put out of a job because of this but you have got to think of it for every drone that is in the air there has got to be someone controlling it so for all of the people that might lose out on a job because of this I am sure that they will be able to find work flying the drone. There are some problems with using drones to deliver a parcel because this might cause a lot of problems with air traffic. If you think it is busy on the roads right now imagine that but in the sky and then imagine being a pilot and not being able to land because someone wants a package near an airport.

It is a good idea if only some places do it and it is a really good idea right now due to everything going on there will be a lot of rules on drones that are coming soon so make sure that you read them so if you have got a drone then you will know when you can use it and how to use it. Drones are a good idea the concept of basically a small helicopter being able to just drop something off at your door is incredible. Huge props to CVS and UPS for starting this trend let's see how many more companies follow in these footsteps and do this. 

Let me know your thoughts on using drones for delivery and as always from me...

Stay Safe IFB :) 

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