Saturday, 25 April 2020

Day 32 Of Lockdown

Well, there goes another day over with and not many more to go hopefully, I haven't done much today just been in bed for most of the day and then went to work. 

It has been getting easier to deal with this lockdown as I am just dealing with it one day at a time now instead of thinking about all of those days ahead. This is a much better mindset to be in because if you can make it through today then you have got tomorrow to look forward and it doesn't matter if you just lounge about all day if that is what you feel comfortable doing then do it. 

I am thinking of trying to grow my page views every day trying to beat the number of page views my blog gets each day. This is so that you guys will get to see a lot more content from me. This blog page has really helped me to take my mind off the lockdown as it has given me something to do and something else to think about, kind of like a huge distraction that has actually turned out to be fun. 

When I first started this blog page I thought it would maybe reach like 10 people a day but I have managed to reach a lot more which is a huge bonus. I am starting to feel better about myself after having a few down days, I thought what is the point of dwelling in self-pity when I can be getting out of bed and going on my computer and making changes happen.

Tomorrow I think I might go for a walk but only a small walk just to get me out of the house for a bit and in some lovely sunshine. I say that I will not be walking far but I know what I am like I will say that and then walk for like 6 miles or something like that.
Stay tuned for more blog posts and watch how much this page grows over the next few weeks. As always from me...

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