Friday, 24 April 2020

Day 31 Of Lockdown

Today marked the 31st day of being in lockdown and I guess you would say that it has been a month of being in lockdown it has been hard but I think we will soon be in the final stretch of the lockdown.

I went on an 8-mile walk today just as something to do but now I have got a blister on the bottom of my foot which kinda hurts a bit but I do not plan on walking tomorrow as I have got work again that I need to make sure that I am awake for. It has been very difficult trying to change the way we live our lives through this lockdown and I think that this virus will have a very big impact on everyday life from now on. I hope that whatever this virus changes that the change is good and it makes us all better people at the end of it.

Life has got harder and yes it has been very challenging for our mental health to keep going but I just want to say that it is okay to be sad we all have our down days but things will get better. Life will never be the same again after this virus but we will learn to adapt to it and overcome it so that it will eventually feel normal for us again. I have set some new goals and aspirations for this blog page which you should all start being put into place very soon. 

Tomorrow I am going to try and get the most amount of views that I have ever got on this page which will be a nice goal for me if I manage to reach it. Today, all I did was go on that long walk and then had a massive nap which was nice, and then I called/ Facetimed one of my friends who I hope will soon be my girlfriend once this lockdown is over and we are able to see each other again. 

The longer that we ignore the rules that the government has put in place then the longer this lockdown is going to last. If we do not follow the rules now then we will not be able to get through this and the lockdown will get harder with a lot more rules put into place. I just ask that you think before you go out to think are you protected are you protecting others and is this trip really necessary. I hope you are all getting through this and as always from me...

Stay Safe IFB :) 

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