Wednesday 15 April 2020

Day 22 Of Lockdown

Well there goes another day of lockdown spent most of the day sleeping and messaging my friend, each day is getting harder and harder to make it through, I just want this all to be over.

Today I found out that this lockdown is going to be extended until at least the 7th of May which was not good news and did put a real downer on my day as I thought that I would be able to see my loved ones again soon but no. Every day I am spending longer in bed fast asleep and each day it is getting harder and harder for me to stay motivated through this. I can not wait for the day for all of this to be over so that I can finally go out and see my loved ones again. 

I will be making a post about my sleeping pattern and as to why I am spending most of the day in bed asleep. I do not want to be spending most of the day in bed asleep but if that is what it takes to miss another day then that is what I will do. Each day that goes by there is another challenge that I have got to face and each day that goes by is another day that I have not seen my loved ones for and it is another that I have not spoken to anyone else outside of my house.

The hardest part about this is that my girlfriend that I have been talking about for a while now is in a different house to me and I do not think we have ever been apart from each other for this long before. This is such a challenge because we both miss each other so very much but there is nothing that we can do to get around it, the only thing that we can do is just sit and count the days as they go by.

I will be trying my absolute best to keep my chin up through this but I do not how long I can take this for before I finally snap and plan on seeing my girlfriend soon. I hope you are all managing better through this lockdown and I hope that as always you all...

Stay Safe IFB :)  


  1. I think you should start your day out with a challenge. I started doing 20x pushups followed by 25x crunches every few hours about 35 days ago. Now I’m up to 230x pushups a day. It doesn’t take much to transform yourself. You can make it out of this thing a better person. Baby steps.

    1. I like the idea of challenging myself I will definitely take that advice but am already in nearly peak physical condition if anything I need to add more muscle mass. Thank you for the advice :)


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