Tuesday 14 April 2020

Day 21 Of The Lockdown

Another day has gone by without doing much and it is just getting very repetitive now, the same thing day in and day out is really starting to have a toll on me.

All I have done today is mostly nap I did wake up early so that I could sign for a package but it turns out I did not need to because I think one of neighbor did it for me. I have just been asleep for most of the day and have been trying to think of some more blog posts that I could write but I have not had much luck on that. My mum has come home from work for the next few days so it will be nice to spend some time with her again before she has got to go back to work.

I was really hoping for a more in-depth update on the lockdown but the only thing we have been told is to keep doing what we are doing now and wait for the update. This is a very time-sensitive subject and it is not fair that they are making us wait even longer, I would much rather be told that because some of us are not sticking to the lockdown rules it has got to be extended another week but nothing just keep doing what you're doing and we will look into lifting some of the lockdown rules soon. Thank you for that government really pulling through on helping us to understand when this might be over or not.  

Tomorrow will probably just be the same thing for me I will no doubt spend most of the day in bed again watching youtube until I get bored then probably just nap for the rest of the time. I want to make a lot of blog posts I just do not know what to make them about currently so when I think of some more ideas I will be sure to post them. I hope you are all having a good time and if you ever need a friend to reach out to just drop a comment and I will be sure to get in touch. As always....

Stay safe IFB :) 

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