Thursday 9 April 2020

Coming To Terms With The Lockdown

I have spent many days during this Lockdown saying that it is okay and it will all be over soon but I am coming to terms with the fact that it might not be over soon and accepting the fact that this might be living from now on.

I really hoped that this lockdown would not last as long as it has and I am still kind of hoping that parts of it get lift on Monday so that we can see our family members again but with reading the news I do not think that it will happen. Lots of news articles say that this lockdown might go on until maybe May. I really miss my family members and I would give everything to go and see them right now but I know it is better not to because at least then they are safe and whilst everyone is following the lockdown rules this will be over quicker than we thought and we will be able to go and see out family members soon.

Boris is now out of ICU which just proves that whatever the NHS is doing it is working and it also proves that even though this man cut funding for them the NHS staff still treats him like every other patient that comes through those doors. A huge thank you to all of the NHS staff as well for fighting through this and please make sure that you are staying at home so that we can all go and see our families again someday after this Lockdown has finished. 

Stay safe IFB  

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