Friday 10 April 2020

Artificial Sound In Electric Cars

I was reading this article about how they are adding artificial car noises to electric cars and found it very interesting so I thought I would share it with some of you. 

As you probably know electric cars produce little to no sound at all because they do not have an engine it is run using batteries and you can hear a normal car coming from a mile whereas an electric car you could be stood right in front of it and you would not know that it was there. This was a safety concern for the manufactures of electric cars because you use sound as a way to alert someone that you are there or that there might be danger around you, so electric car companies came up with the idea of adding sound to their cars so that people would be able to hear them if pedestrians were distracted by using their phones. 

The use of sound is also a selling point for a car as well because when you are going to buy a car you think how does it look how fast can it go and how does it sound. For example, if you were stood next to a Porsha you would know it is a Porsha because of the noise it makes that almost manly roar of the engine. Sound is also a great selling point because the buyers will be looking for cars on the road and they would hear like a mustang or something and be like I want that car so electric car manufactures have added sound into there cars as a selling point for the public. This creates an identity for the car and forms an impression of the car to the public, giving it almost some sort of aesthetic as well. 

Electric car sounds are made by using different frequencies that are pleasing to the ear and there has been scientific evidence that different frequencies can make someone react in a certain way so obviously car manufacturers used this as an advantage to make you want to buy the car. So not only is it safer for electric cars to have some sort of sound it also sounds pretty cool and futuristic as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this and as always 

Stay Safe IFB 

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