Thursday 9 April 2020

Morrisons Closing Stores On Easter Sunday

Finally some good news for supermarket employees at Morrisons they get a day off from doing a lot of hard work this easter Sunday as Morrisons has decided that it is going to be closing all of its stores.

The stores will be shut on Easter Sunday but they will be open for the rest of the bank holiday. I think is something truly amazing because it will give staff the day off which will be really needed as they will have worked very hard throughout these past few weeks stocking the shelves so that we can buy food in this epidemic. The best bit about this for employees is that not only are they shut on Easter Sunday so they get a day off but they are open for the rest of the bank holiday so this means that they will still get a lot of pay, I think it might be double pay or time and a half, I don't really know as I do not work there.

I remember a time when all shops use to be closed on Easter Sunday as it was a day of religion. All of the shops would close for this day so that people could go to church and it was actually the only other day where stores would close apart from at Christmas. I want to take this time to praise Morrisons for doing this and I hope that some of the other stores do this as well so that it will give their staff members a well-deserved rest from all of the fast and hard work they have been doing on the frontline. 

I hope that you all have a great day today and are not working too hard. Again a huge shout out to Morrison's for closing their stores and I hope that you all reading this are going to have a great day today. As always....

Stay safe IFB 

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