Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Showing Someone My Earnings

I was on facetime the other day to one of my friends and I was telling her how I am at "work" right no and she was very confused as she should be because I was laid in bed. I did not go into a lot of detail for about what I do but I did decide to show her some of my earnings. I was not going to show her myEobot earnings because I do not have a lot on there yet but I did sho her m nicehash account wallet. This is because this wallet has always got at least $30 in there, there reaction to when I showed them this was absolutely amazed. She was questioning how I have managed to do this and I did not tell them because I knew that they would not understand because I would say that you have got to have a good knowledge of what you are doing and to show someone this they would not understand what I am doing. I can not wait to show you and everyone else my earnings when I start making a lot more money a day.

So until next time happy mining.

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