Friday, 18 June 2021

Car insurance

 Everyone knows that this is one of the most important things that you can have when you own a vehicle. Not only does it keep you and your possession covered, that and it is a legal requirement.

If you already have insurance which you should then you will know how expensive it is no matter how many different comparison sites you use you still wont be able to find the best cover for the cheapest price. So here is some advice for all of you to follow...

Try all the comparison sites first to give you a rough estimate of how much you are going to spend then after that look at companies that are not on the comparison sites. Every country is different when it comes for insurance but this should be helpful no matter what country your in. 

Fill out countless numbers of quotes online. I know this will take a lot of time but it might end up saving you a lot of money. I spent about 2 hours doing this yesterday until I found the best quote I could. 

Add modifications to make your quote go down. Most insurance companies wont accept you of you have got modification to your vehicle but there are some that will make your quote be cheaper. An example of this is a dash cam I bought a cheap one for about £20 and it has dramatically decreased my quotes.

Add additional drivers. You can add other drivers to your policy and that will help bring the price down depending on how good of a driver they are. They dont even have to use the car but they can be a named driver on it to bring your quote down. 

If you follow this advice it should bring some of your quotes down. Let me know how you all get on and as always...

Stay frosty

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