Wednesday 15 April 2020

Sleeping All The Time

My sleeping pattern has been very broken the past few days as I have been doing nothing but sleeping all of the time no matter if it is really sunny outside or not all I will do is sleep all day and I think I have got some answers why.

Most people will probably say it is because you have got nothing to do all day and some of that might be partly true, but I know I could be working on the blog and adding more updates or trying to get more followers I know I have got a lot of things to be doing it is just that I am not motivated enough to do them. I like to sleep all day because when I am asleep it is the only time when I am not thinking about things I am just at peace with myself which is a good thing, I want to try and find that inner peace without me having to sleep for it. I might have to go on a walk today and try and clear my mind a bit.

Sleeping is not the best thing to do with my time through this lockdown as I know I could be doing a lot more productive things but I just can't help it with not sleeping properly at night. Do not hold me to this but it might have something to do with depression as this lockdown is having a much bigger effect on me than I thought. I think that I have just got to pull my head up and try and focus on completing something during the day especially like going on a walk somewhere I think that will definitely help. 

I know that I could just stay awake for 2 days straight to try and reset my sleeping pattern but after I have caught up with those days of missed sleep my sleeping pattern will just go back to how it used to be. Hopefully, after this lockdown is over, my sleeping pattern will return back to normal and I will be happy again as I will have got to see my girlfriend and my loved ones in my family. I hope you are looking forward to my next post I can not believe how much the page has grown these past few weeks. As always

Stay Safe IFB :) 

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