Monday 13 April 2020

Day 20 Of Lockdown

Wow, I can not believe it has been 20 days of the lockdown I thought it had been much longer. Today is the day we find out more about the lockdown to see if it is going to last a lot longer. 
20 days of being in lockdown are really starting to take effect on me as I am starting to really miss my family but I know there is only 1 day left before we find out anything else about the lockdown to see if it is going to last. A huge congratulation to the NHS we have in this country as they have saved Boris's life even after he ignored this pandemic at first and he cut their funding they still pulled through and saved his life.

All I have done all day is made blog posts and researched things whilst waiting for my package to come and it still hasn't come yet and played video games with my friend again. I did not want to go on a walk today because the weather was not that good and I didn't feel like it as my legs were starting to hurt after the lots of walking I have done the past couple of days. 

I hope that this lockdown does not last that much longer as I am not sure if I will be able to take it without rebelling and going to see my family and my girlfriend. If I have to I will go and walk to her house so and just go on a walk with her because we miss each other so much and it is the only option without getting pulled over by the police for being outside. Hopefully, this lockdown does not last much longer but if it is does as always...

Stay Safe IFB :) 

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