When you are first looking into making money online you will see lots of articles and posts about filling in online surveys as a way to make money but this will not do. The most you make filling in online surveys is at most a couple of dollars for many hours of work and that if you even get certified to fill the rest of the survey in.
Most online surveys are looking for a specific group of people to fill in their survey and if you do not meet the criteria then you won't get paid and you won't know this until you are about half way through the survey and you won't get paid for the time that you are putting into filling in the surveys you have done.
I have tried all of the survey sites and not a single one of them has paid me. I would recommend you not even looking into filling in surveys you will just end up waisting your time when you could be using it for something else.
Most surveys sites will promise you X amount of money per survey you fill in but won't actually deliever anything to you as a user. You might get the promised X amount of money for the first survey that you fill in but then after you will not get any surveys to fill in or you won't get enough to reach the minimum payout for the website.
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