Saturday 11 April 2020

Day 18 Of Lockdown

Wow, what a great day it was today I can not believe the amazing weather that we are having...

I know we should all be staying inside but today I had enough of it and decide that I was going to make use of the amazing weather we are having and go outside for a walk. Did I know where I was walking? No. All I did was walk out of the house and turn left and kept walking until I reached a nice area where I could sit down and rest. It was great to get outside again and feel the warm sunshine on my face I had missed it with waking up at night. 

I guess that goes my sleeping pattern of staying awake at night and only sleeping during the day. I know tomorrow is also going to be a nice day for walking so this time I might walk out of my house and turn right this time to see where that leads. I like this walking and not knowing where I am going to end up it is almost refreshing and adventurous. I will have to pack something to drink though tomorrow because I forgot to do this and I was dying of thirst when I got back I must have easily gone through 2 bottles of water when I got back.

Whilst I was out I made sure that I stayed as far away from people as possible, not because of the coronavirus but because I don't really like people. I am really looking forward to going out again tomorrow I might even try to wake up earlier this time and try and make the most of the day out instead of just the afternoon. 

What do you guys think of these daily updates of what's going on in my life should I keep doing them after the lockdown? 

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