Tuesday 7 April 2020

Day 14 of the Lockdown

Today Boris Johnson was put into the Intensive care unit as you might have seen through my previous posts. I really hope that he makes a speedy recovery so that he can lift the lockdown that he has put this country in. It was a fairly boring day for me not much happened but I do not think I will be getting much sleep again tonight so I hope to make another blog post. 

I can not wait for the day that all of this hard that I am putting into my blogs pays off and I get somewhat famous from it online. I really want this lockdown to be over so that I can see my loved ones again but more to the point I want Boris to make a speedy recovery because he has really come through for this country in its time of need. 

I have done some exercise again today to try and stay physically fit whilst all of the gyms are on lockdown, I want to make sure that all of the efforts that I put into the gym before we went into lockdown was not wasted. Don't get me wrong I am in rather good physical condition so and I am rather skinny as well so that any muscle that I do put on is easily seen as well which is a blessing. I hope you are all staying safe during this lockdown and hopefully, there is only 1 more week left of this so we can all soon return to normal, stay tuned for more blog posts got a rather interesting topic coming up in the next post so please tune in and always...

Stay safe IFB 

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